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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Trump says GOP 'forced' to seek other state to host convention, slamming North Carolina governor

President Trump announced late Tuesday that Republicans are "forced" to seek another state to host their convention, saying North Carolina's governor was "still in Shelter-In-Place Mode" and had "refused to guarantee that we can have use of the Spectrum Arena" in Charlotte, despite earlier assurances.

The president didn't name an alternative venue. Earlier in the day, GOP officials said they had started visiting potential alternative sites after Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, told them the coronavirus pandemic required them to prepare for a scaled-back event if they wanted to hold it in Charlotte.

"Had long planned to have the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, a place I love," Trump wrote on Twitter. "Now, @NC_Governor Roy Cooper and his representatives refuse to guarantee that we can have use of the Spectrum Arena - Spend millions of dollars, have everybody arrive, and then tell them they will not be able to gain entry. Governor Cooper is still in Shelter-In-Place Mode, and not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally anticipated and promised. Would have showcased beautiful North Carolina to the World, and brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, and jobs, for the State. Because of @NC_Governor, we are now forced to seek another State to host the 2020 Republican National Convention."



  1. Time to take the Red Pill North Carolina.
    You are losing big time.

  2. This started as a protest for the heinous murder of George Floyd. Now it has morphed into a well organized effort to discredit President Trump and to subvert the November election. The media is of course on board and are stepping up their attacks. Any thinking citizen can see this developing. The leftists are trying to box in the President and force a major deadly confrontation such as the Kent State incident. This is history repeating itself. I hope the investigations that will undoubtedly follow expose the treasonous parties involved. Demand it patriots and contact your local congressman.

  3. Boycott north carolina

  4. What a man child, throwing a tantrum cause he can't get his way. Unfit to lead!

  5. 12:32 You are the poster child for utter ignorance. How do you get through your day being that stupid?🤔

  6. Have the Convention in Florida

  7. Damn that Democratic SOB. Move the money somewhere its appreciated. Repub Governor on the way


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