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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

95% of the 400 individuals arrested in Santa Monica traveled to the city, police say

SANTA MONICA, Calif. - Over 400 individuals were arrested Sunday night in Santa Monica after a night filled with looting and unrest, but officials say 95% were individuals who traveled to the city.

Santa Monica Police Chief Cynthia Renaud announced the number of arrests Monday morning during a press conference, stating that the actions did not represent the city itself or its residents.



  1. Wheres Black Lives Matter been for all these riots? I've seen the signs, the T shirts, heard them screaming "Black lives matter". I keep hearing the Media pumping up BLM, heaping praise on them night after night, But WHERE are their LEADERS while our cities are burning? Where are they, when private business' looted, WHERE ate the LEADERS of Black Lives Matter, while LAW ABIDING CITIZENS ARE MURDERED BY THUGS RIOTING AND LOOTING? If they're serious, and genuinely care about INNOCENT Lives being taken....WHERE ARE THEY????....anybody?...Hello? Hmmm, kinda makes ya wonder, is BLACK lives ALL they care about?

    1. Makes me think they dont care about any lives black or any other color. They are Soros paid thugs.

  2. Will IF we had an FBI that wasn't so corrupted, they would be on it. That's their job!

    1. Job? Hahahaha those acronym alphabet agencies haven't done their jobs in YEARS. No really, they haven't.

  3. It’s a federal offense. They need to be charged as so!

  4. I hope tat in the near future networks will donate airtime to show photos of those who looted and set fires and are now wanted by the police. Hopefully rewards will be offered. The Hollywood idiots are donating millions to post bail for the looters. Perhaps decent citizens could donate to a fund to reward those who can identify the looters and other pieces of useless garbage.

  5. Everybody wants to be black till the police show up


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