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Thursday, June 25, 2020

They Call Him Bubba...


  1. What a self-righteous, self-important, self-martyred a$$hole.

  2. the worst part is they can't fire him because he's the only black driver they have.

  3. sick of all this crap!!! race baiters must be stopped at every turn!!!

  4. Jussie Smollet did it!

  5. Dale Sr would have put him in the wall every time they were on the track
    not because he has dark skin but because he is a ass

  6. Lol, Guess what else they didn't find in Wallace's garage. A trophy

  7. Now that was funny.

  8. 1211 something tells me you have no clue about the details surrounding the story.

  9. Do you expect any better? Look who you're dealing with. Self appointed Star of track and field-Ha!

  10. He goes on talk shows crying like he’s Rosa Parks and he never even saw the pull rope . Even if someone actually did something like that it’s a victimless crime

  11. He should be made to drive around the track with the confederate flag.


  12. I'm sure there have been some bumps in the road for him. That's inevitable in life for everyone. He's in a high stakes, high danger, high testosterone, high reward business. All the drivers bow to the sponsors and fans (money sources).

    His biggest success now has been to get a business that has been facing real challenges and slipping attendance to suddenly decide to flip the bird to many fans and drive into the wall. The consequences will be long-lived and detrimental to nascar's survival.

  13. Is he an SU alumni

  14. What were they hanging hampsters

  15. He was trying to make it look like a white person did it, causing a hate crime of white on black.,..........but it is the opposite.... a black crime against whites. That is getting to be quite popular these days.

  16. LOL....that’s funny! Jessie Smoulett all over again!!

  17. Loop knot not a noose and nascar magnified the loop not to make it look massive. PR stunt and Darrell lapped it up just like a good employee for the Rich white man.

  18. Please, everyone. Take this as a learning opportunity, as I have.
    I immediately replaced all my curtain rod cords, just to be sure I don't offend anybody.
    Tomorrow, an automatic garage door opener will be installed.

  19. BubbasLiesMatter

    Nascar to us old heads has not been the same for years. Nascar will come up with some b/s trophy for him for being a good ambassador or some crap.

    Just another pr stunt to blackball trump and the gop.

  20. He's the biggest RACIST ASSHOLE in the world right now. Well deserved.

  21. The funny thing about it? EVERYBODY knew it was BULLSHIT. Guess what?? It was.

  22. The only person dumber than bubba is Richard petty for hiring this p.o.s. Guess he needed to try to get back in the limelight some kind of way. The only reason that petty won so many races was he had a lot more money backing him than the other drivers did

  23. 1:19 I am very familiar with the details. Are you?

  24. Don't let that white guy David Bowling see this, he will go off on you. I've never seen a white guy defend these black criminals as much as he has on social media. It's sickening and most of us are laughing at him.

  25. He is a nut case just trying to expand on his 15 min of attention on a noose that wasn't even a noose but a pull cord in the ceiling. A witness said it was just a pull cord and picture was showed to prove it, he is just another Jessie Smollett wanting attention. He'll never win Nascar but now will be known as a racist. All the drivers that supported him must feel really sorry by being taken in by him. He made Nascar look like fools.

  26. Nice nickname to give Bubba. Bubba "Noose" Wallace! That will be forever what he will be known for. He should be proud of himself!


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