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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Appeals court orders Flynn case dismissal, after years-long legal saga

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a lower court to allow the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to be dismissed, as requested by the Justice Department -- likely ending the years-long legal saga stemming from the Russia investigation.

The abrupt ending came in an order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

This was the result of an appeal from Flynn's lawyers asking for a so-called writ of mandamus -- essentially an order telling a government official to carry out a certain duty -- directing Judge Emmet Sullivan to approve the DOJ's motion to dismiss.

Sullivan did not immediately grant that motion and instead sought to hold hearings on the matter, angering Flynn allies.

The unusual move from Sullivan to keep the case alive despite prosecutors' wishes was preceded by an unusual move from the DOJ itself to drop the charges against Flynn even after he had pleaded guilty -- saying the FBI interview that led to his charge of lying to investigators had no "legitimate investigative basis."



  1. HUGE NEWS JOE! Ocean City Police Dept clears the Officer involved in that recent excessive use of force on the boardwalk! You can clearly see the Officer loses his cool when taunted by the young man and then the Officer punches him unprovoked right in the face! Looks like a justified use of force to me! NOOOOOOT!!!!!! Cover up by Ocean City's own!! Investigated by Ocean City's own!!! WTF!!!

    1. Law enforcement is just about over so why still complaining. Currently in city’s their is total chaos because law enforcement is almost done. This is what you wanted and now your getting it BUT you still complain. Why? You won be happy. People are being cancelled for just about anything, life’s are being ruined for speech that could be from 30 years ago again you won. Rejoice in the victory. Congrats 🎈

  2. The punk should have his mouth shut

  3. The big crime is Obama and Biden have been caught orchestrating the whole Flynn investigation

  4. Flynn admitted to lying to FBI and to Pence. Stone got lesser charges and punishment. Prosecutor investigating Giuliani and his partners was just fired. Wonder why they're so lucky.

  5. That total lack of respect for LE is a learned behavior.
    This may be one step forward to unlearning that behavior.

    Too bad the loud mouthed punk didn't get his jaw broken!

  6. Broken jaw worth about $300,000 for the Town of Ocean City to pay for! Nice payday for this so-called punk.


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