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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

“The Man Mentally Can’t Function – You Wouldn’t Hire Him to Run Your Store” – Rudy Giuliani Unloads on Joe Biden and His Handlers (VIDEO)

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futuresthis morning to discuss the ongoing protests and rioting in New York City and the nation.

During their conversation Maria asked Mayor Giuliani about Joe Biden’s campaign for president.
Rudy let loose on what is obvious to everyone – Joe Biden can’t run a grocery store let alone the country today.

Rudy Giuliani: When he said that Trump is oblivious, that’s like looking in the mirror isn’t it? That’s projection. Even with his deteriorated mental state he can still project. I mean the guy is oblivious. If you can’t see that this man is sick then there’s something wrong with you. And, we got a lot of smart people on the other side and a lot of smart people in his family. And, they’re running him. It’s so cynical and it shows so much of a disrespect for the United States of America that you could try to put a man in that mental condition in the White House. It’s frightening how we’ve lost any sense of caring about the country. The man mentally can’t function. You can’t hire him. You wouldn’t hire him to run your store. I wouldn’t hire him to run a store. He’d get it all screwed up.

Of course, Rudy it right and everyone knows it. The more Americans see Joe Biden the more horrific is the prospect that this man could run the country. Joe’s policies are bad enough but his mental state is a non-starter.



  1. He is riddled with dementia

  2. Women with children and the elderly should not vote democrat if they value their safety.

  3. He's only the front man. You Damn sure bet OBAMA will be behind the scenes ruining the country. The treasonous POS will do anything to help SOROS.

  4. I agree. Just can't figure out what the Democrats are up too. Harris as VP. Biden steps down due to health reasons and Harris (a black woman) becomes President. If Biden should win that is. Wouldn't that piss off Hillary 😂

  5. I certainly would not hire him where children are present.

  6. 7:31 is correct, he's only a front man. Vote for him and you have no idea who will be running the country.

    Is that what you want? At least a vote for Trump is a vote for a cognizant person able to run a country!

  7. 7:31/8:40/9:44 makes me very happy that we have intelligent people like yourselves ( and me) that know BIDEN couldn't tie his shoe. Let alone run the country. That's a very scary point to be honest. Look at all the BS they have put us through in 3 years?? And they aren't in power. If they ever get in?? AMERICA IS FINISHED.

  8. We say Dementia..... however, all Democrats who stay for a life time in Congress
    belong in Mental health Hospitals

  9. Joe; Welcome to Obama Hardware

    Customer; I need a screw to fit this hinge

    Joe: I don't think I can screw no more, I'm pretty old......

    Customer; No! I need a screw to fasten this hinge

    Joe; yes many days I feel I'm coming unhinged

    Customer; I'm going over to Ace Hardware

    Joe; oh, Ace is the place for the helpful hardware man !

    Customer: You're old and losing your facilities aren't you?

    Joe; No sir! I poop and pee promptly every morning at 6 am,.... but I don't wake up till 7:30....

    Customer; Okay now I'm going.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: I’d be hard pressed to hire any Marxist democrat for any position if I owned a business. Conversely, I’d also be hard pressed to patronize any business that boasts of democrat affiliation. My favorite bagel shop and doughnut shops now have one of those “We love all people” BS signs in front of their establishments and I will never set foot in either of them again.


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