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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

COVID-19 Has Properties That Have Never Been Found In Nature Before

Norwegian and British vaccine scientists have published unequivocal evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, is man-made.

The authors state two conclusions: (1) the mutations that would normally be seen in the course of animal to human transmission have not occurred in SARS-CoV-2, indicating that it was fully “pre-adapted” for human infection and (2) SARS-CoV-2 has insertions in its protein sequence that have never been detected in nature and contribute to its infectivity and pathogenicity.

That is, SARS-CoV-2 has a receptor binding domain specifically designed for the human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) found in lungs, kidneys, intestines and blood vessels.

In addition, SARS-CoV-2 has a furin polybasic cleavage site not found in any closely-related bat coronaviruses as well as other artificially inserted charged amino acids that enhance the virus’ ability to bind to and enter human cells by forming “salt bridges” between the virus and the cell surface.

Those modifications are key to understanding the unique transmissibility and potency of SARS-CoV-2.

The authors explain that the COVID-19 pandemic is revealing neurological, haematological and immunological pathogenicity, which cannot be explained by infectivity via the ACE2 receptor alone.



  1. Didn’t enjoy the riots for last the week or so but it was a break from this crap, I guess the virus took some sabbatical leave. Back to social distancing now unless the riots continue.

  2. So its a BIO weapon. Its U.N. believable. WHO would be stupid enough to call 9/11 and report the luciferians are in the wire?

  3. U.S. military is on it. Stay tuned!

  4. These authors lives are probably in danger now. This article exposes the US Government as a liar. Period.

    We should assume the US Government is responsible.

    1. 8:03
      I agree 100%
      Most here will not agree
      They worship the US Government

  5. Maybe back then, but not now, you get it and spread it to another after your antibodies have been added to it, then that person spreads it to others, whose antibodies are added to it, then they spread it to 1500 others, who's antibodies are added to it, hence herd immunity, This is how it works, and now we are at a place where it's just a couple of days of feeling like crap.

    We're done here, folks. It's SOOOOOOOO over!

    Hogan, are you listening? Have you noticed that Faucci has been silenced? Did you notice the WHO was LYING? Did you notice that the WHO was in BED with China?

  6. Certainly has produced a lot of self appointed experts who have been proven to be idiots who are the purveyors of bogus info that has proved to be utter bullshit bought into by bullshitters like Hogan, Cuomo, Carney, Uncle Tom Northam etc. Everyday more evidence comes to the forefront disproving theory and establishing that this 'public health crisis' is no more than Demodick politics that makes an asshole like Hogan thrive in a state where it is enjoyed by the same. He's doing their dirt for free with ulterior motives at the core of the orders he oppresses the voters of Maryland with. Senator from Maryland? Not by the hair of his chinny chin chin. Damn shame.

  7. I'm joe biden and I'm running for senate. We use to listen to the WHO back in the 70s. Cuz I know a thing or two about roaches. C'mon man, vote for corn pop and me...

  8. Sure, we can trust some highly questionable website to interpret cutting edge science and provide us with reliable insight

  9. Did anyone actually think it wasn't man made?

  10. 8;30...I see science was not your best subject in school, huh?


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