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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Tammy Bruce: Why the GOP establishment turning against Trump confirms what we suspected

Fox Nation host Tammy Bruce said on Monday that it does not surprise her that the GOP establishment is not supporting President Trump because they are siding with ideas of globalism instead of “Americanism.”

“This is, of course, the swamp,” the "Get Tammy Bruce" host told “Fox & Friends.”

“This is about Americanism versus globalism. What is best for the American family versus what is best for the political ruling elite class,” Bruce said, arguing that the binary choice of Democrat or Republican has dissolved.

Bruce argued that Trump does not care about what the GOP establishment thinks and rather listens to the American people.



  1. The Truths out on the facade of the evil lucifrian theater shame it is being exposed. PLayers involve all parties

  2. I love Tammy Bruce. Always speaks well and about topics I want to know about. She's a badass.

  3. Sory, but the Salisbury "Republican" committee is nothing but a bunch of Democrats. I have no idea how to deal with this, but to expose them for what they are. I can't join them to infiltrate without getting kicked out. They are trash.

  4. I just sold my house several weeks ago. I'm done with Maryland. CORRUPT from top to bottom. Say what you want about IRETON. Was he a little strange?? Yes. But he was so much better than the sesame street clown we have now. I kept saying we bitch to much about everyone. Now here we are BITCHIN again. But by the time you get him out. SALISBURY MD won't exist.

  5. We have the same issue here, with our Republican committee. 80% RINOS! I tell ya what conservatives, WE better make a strong showing at the polls, and get EVERY person we can to vote this year, and not just the Presidential race. We MUST win back the house, so we can re-take control of the citizens tac funded "purse", and regain the investigative powers of the house!!!

  6. Left wing and right, both coming off of the same bird.

  7. This is so dumb.

    Please define Americanism and/or Globalism specifically, with clear terms.

    Tell me, how does Capitalism fall into these categories?

    These are just scary titles the media and politicians use to divide us and keep you scared.

    Be smarter than that. Stop it.

  8. LOL you guys believe this crud huh? You really do make up your own fantasy narrative. Folks have laid out clear cut arguments based on what they see as lies, as constitutional threats, as fiscal dangers, etc. Rather than actually try to rebut the info these folks present, you guys would rather just stick your heads in the sand and listen to whatever garbage gets spewed by the WH.


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