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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Spelling Matters


  1. Thank your Public Schools... Creative Spelling... Remember, nothing is ever wrong as we don't want to hurt their feelings...reaping rotten fruit...sad.

  2. It's Dover so the spelling may actually be correct

  3. But teacher's keep getting raises and new schools. School board and teacher's Union get MILLIONS of Taxpayers money for failure.

    1. I actually correct student's spelling and grammar to show them the correct way. I am just told I cannot grade according to their mistakes. More teachers try harder than you think. It is the higher ups at the state and national level that have screwed the pooch! I also disagree with a teacher's union so I refuse to pay into it. I hate the political B.S. but love teaching. We get frustrated too but never claim to believe that we do not care! We would not put up with things if we did not.

  4. There probably was 6 hoes struck by gunfire early morning hours not in Dover but in Baltimore though.

  5. Typical spelling coming from the current education system. Just spell like it sounds, that's perfectly alright. It's called Ebonics.

  6. Well, it could happen. I saw that and wondered why they didn't change it. Whores...hoes...homes, it's all a mess.

  7. My neighbor teaches History and was told that she can’t use spelling or grammatical errors in a test or essay to lower a grade because she teaches History and not English.

  8. And just look at the products that are being turned out.


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