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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

President Trump Blames ‘Antifa and the Radical Left’ for Riots

President Donald Trump said on Saturday that leftist organizations such as Antifa are responsible for the widespread rioting and looting on Friday after the death of George Floyd.

“It’s ANTIFA and the Radical Left. Don’t lay the blame on others!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

The president asserted that the violent protesters had nothing to do with protests of Floyd’s death after he was detained by police officers.

“These are ‘Organized Groups’ that have nothing to do with George Floyd,” Trump wrote. “Sad!”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced Saturday he will activate the full National Guard to respond to the looting, rioting, and violence in Minneapolis after the city was overrun on Friday night.



  1. As always POTUS is correct...

  2. He will say what none of the other life long republicans will! MAGA 2020

  3. Well, hes not wrong.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Facts and truth are the enemies of the leftist democrat narrative. I am somewhat outspoken about the evils of the leftist agenda and that is why I am often attacked on this forum.


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