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Friday, June 12, 2020

Sen. Ted Cruz - EPIC !!!!! MSM and DS do NOT want you to see this !!! (so they distract with riots)


  1. I wish I could convince my sister and a cousin to see this.

  2. EVERYONE - should see this over and over again. Demoncraps always come up with some tragedy to flood the media channels with to distract from the truth. Thanks for posting this Joe.

  3. In a time when low level Dems are asking to defund local police all that would mean is federal/state police servicing their area. Summary political elite will be closely protected and their own base is left to starve, die, be plundered by themselves until they are a thing of the past. How can they be so naive?

  4. Shout it from the rooftops!!

  5. Trump when are the HANGINGS.

  6. I admire and believe Ted Cruz and the others who sought answers have done the best they can to drain the swamp.

  7. Ted Cruz is such a clown. The majority of Americans are sick and tired of these ridiculous conspiracy theories concocted by Russia and propagated by Trump, his spineless GOP lackeys, Fox News, and those who get all their information from social media or some right wing “news” blog. Voters are going to send a clear message come November in the form of a big blue wave.

    1. Better open your eyes wider lib. You have pulled that reverse strategy to often to be beleived anymore. And Fox news is #1. Truth will out.

  8. All well and good, but you know and I know there will not be a damn thing done about all this corruption. Not one person will be prosecuted or charged as a traitor. I have personally lost all faith and hope in this government and our Judicial system as a whole. The rule of law does not apply to them.


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