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Friday, June 12, 2020

DOJ sends Montgomery Co. a letter, asking why it's okayed protests but not church services

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — In a letter addressed to Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich (D) and the Montgomery County Council, the U.S. Department of Justice raises First Amendment concerns.

The three-page letter, which is dated June 10, notes that county officials have allowed many political protests in recent weeks but have not okayed indoor church services.

"In identifying the conditions under which gatherings for protest may proceed in Montgomery County, the Council should ensure that it imposes no more onerous conditions on gatherings for religious exercise than it does on gatherings for other purposes," wrote Eric Dreiband, Assistant Attorney General within the DOJ's Civil Rights Division.



  1. Love it! Equality under the law - the Left screams for it but does not provide it.

  2. one person per 200 square feet but rioters can have 200 people in 200 square feet I say tell the parishioners to riot in church

    1. Hold a rally in the parking lot then March, chanting slogans into the church!!

  3. What I CAN'T understand is WHY are these churches not just opening anyway? I'm a believer myself, and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will i ever allow anyone to either deny my rights to worship, nor enforce "guidlines" on how I worship! I've actually been pretty dissappointed in how many church's have bowed to the regulations. Well, it's not my place to judge them, but I really expected more from people that BELIEVE that God will hold them, and guide them, if they're thoughts were pure, and they were firm in their belief's.

    1. I agree desert 100%

      Stop asking the corrupt government for permission

  4. We all KNOW why. MoCo is a liberal cesspool hellbent on destroying America's values.

  5. Let them protest and spread that coronavirus. I hardly ever believe what I read on SM but one black woman who protested in LA is claiming she has again tested positive even though she had it back in April and just started feeling better mid May. She said doctors told her it could be just like the flu shot the antibodies don't kick in right away so you could be open to reinfection for awhile. She also claims she wore a mask the entire protest.

  6. It's a protest...that's the point. Telling someone "please dont protest" is pointless.

  7. Oh boy a letter BFD. Does anybody here think for one second that Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch would have sent a "letter" if the whole thing was the other way around?

    HELL NO!

    Bill Barr is a joke!

  8. 10:52 AM

    If everyone did what they wanted without any order at all - whats the outcome?

    Just askin for friend.


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