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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Seattle's Autonomous Anarchist Zone Learns a Hilarious Lesson About Theft

Have you heard that a six-block section of Seattle has become an anarchist “capitol hill autonomous zone,” or “CHAZ” for short?

It has. Police and firefighters vacated their premises and bugged out with a Twitter blessingfrom Mayor Jenny Durkan. Durkan dithered over the descent of protests into violence for a week before doing much, and when she did much, her choice was to tweet in hasty retreat.

Anarchists quickly set up CHAZ to be and do its own thing, as long as that thing conformed with diktats of the CHAZ hierarchy.

They put up makeshift signs saying, “You are now leaving the U.S.A.” As you can see below, they appropriated stolen barricades from America, which they despise. To paraphrase a former president, CHAZ did not build that. Or anything else.



  1. You go CHAZ, have fun "playing house" with yer obedient followers. You want your own lil kingdom, well here ya go! Just don't call AMERICA when your water plant starts going offline, and stops separating the solid waste, and when a few of those "comrades" of yours start thinking they can run the show better than you, let is know how that turns out. Hey, it's amazing how good a wall works huh? Oh hey, and tell your little "henchmen" shaking down business' to hold onto that limited ammo supply, cuz they're probably gonna need it when the "Grown ups" come to tuck ya'll in.

  2. Itoldja, starve em out

  3. This will take pooping in the streets to a new level.

  4. I nearly fell over laughing when I read that one. SNL couldn't write this.

  5. Someone take a survey what colleges they went to.

    1. What's funny is..I bet they all were attending college. The kids who know college is for people with no skills aren't involved, they are at work.

  6. Dude, it's like groovy and free!

  7. Let them set the example for a socialistic anarchy. This obviously was not well thought out (actually one has to wonder if these dolts are capable of thought)and it won't be long until they see the futility in their "exercise". I do not wish ill on anyone but when the "poop" hits the fan (remember "Lord of the Flies")who ya gonna call?

  8. They should be shot

  9. 1:42 vegetarian and vegan are different. I am neither but I understand that vegan involves no animal products whereas vegetarian things can have honey, for example.

  10. What happens to homeowners and business owners in this “zone?”

  11. When the headrush is over, most of the children will miss the comforts of home.

  12. Since they now have signs stating you are leaving the usa, give people 24 hours to leave then demand a passport for re entry into the usa.

    1. Dang 9;27 Problem solved! I'm nominating you as our new Immigration Czar!

  13. And the sheep said, "What do we need all these sheepdogs around us for? We haven't seen a wolf in 30 years! Get 'em outta here!"
    Sheepdogs, "Look we won't fight you because we like you, so we'll just leave peacefully. Bye!"
    Sheep, "OMG! Where did all these wolves come from?"

    Let's make popcorn and let this one end itself. It ought to be cool to watch!

  14. um dumbs in the newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwz.

  15. Where's Mayor Goode when you need him??

  16. They should have to apply for a visa if they want to return to America.


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