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Friday, June 12, 2020

Gianno Caldwell calls out Chicago mayor for abandoning African-American residents amid riots

Fox News political analyst and Chicago native Gianno Caldwell called out the Democratic mayor of his hometown for abandoning the city's African-American residents, after Chicago experienced its single most violent day in six decades, amidprotests and riots in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

"This is not a mayor who is for the people. This is not a mayor, who the African-Americans, who mostly put her in office, this is not who they picked," said Caldwell on"Fox and Friends" on Wednesday, blasting Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

"She is an elitist and she's proven it — time and time again," he argued. "And she's leaving the city residents unsafe."

Criticism of Lightfoot was amplified on June 5, after a recording of a May 31 conference call to discuss violent and destructive riots in the city was released by WTTW-TV.



  1. Nice leadership there, Chicago? Maybe if we all send you a few hundred billion dollars you'll be able to sort this all out. Start holding your breath...... now!

  2. Thugs didn’t get the memo black lives matter.

  3. Lightfoot is from a world where very few dwell, a notion perhaps not unjustified. It's certainly not a place where good leaders are created.

  4. Don't know the person, Lightfoot, but seems to me she has two major agendas...advance BLM and her gay pride; at any cost. Yet another example of a Democrat clueless how to manage/take charge of a major municipal government. The only solution they know is to throw money at it. The impoverished neighborhoods are imploding leaving those who are struggling there (and innocent) to fend for themselves.

  5. Let me sum up my take on this conversation. The mayor says we are working hard to do everything we can do to protect our city. We know we are understaffed to quell this situation. We don't want help from the national guard because it will add to the confusion.
    The confusion here is that the timeline to our next planned crisis is not yet here. Remember citizens the election is only a few months away and we have much more work to do to divide the citizenry. Divide and conquer is the only way we can win this election and we know it.

  6. Mostly non-local people are rioting in black communities; setting fires, looting, pillaging, and even killing by leveraging peaceful protests of local people. This is fueled by a corrupt media. What’s the real end game? Think about it and don’t be fooled. See what gets redeveloped in these destroyed neighborhoods where decent people lived and worked. People, who don’t support corrupt politicians like the Clintons, Pelosi, Biden, etc. are not the enemy.

    1. It’s an intelligence operation (Psyop) against the population.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: But she demonstrates all the physical and mental characteristics necessary to be a Marxist mayor of a predominately black occupied city. Looks like a perfect match to me. I’ll be willing to bet that somewhere there is an orange jumpsuit hanging on a hook with her name on it.

  8. Can't imagine what the Chicago PD goes through day in and day out.

  9. Just plug in Obama instead of Lightfoot, president instead of mayor, and country instead of city, and everything else is the exact same.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Is it possible to be an “elitist “ if you have an IQ of about 75? Someone help me out here.


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