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Monday, June 22, 2020

President Trump Just Crushed Ocean City Maryland

As if Governor Hogan didn't cause enough damage to the Maryland business community, now comes President Trump signing an executive order to stop all J1's from entering the United States. To top that off he extended unemployment. 

Look, you all know I'm bias on this one and I admit that up front. Would I love to be open 7 days a week at Caribbean Joe's, absolutely. However, I, (nor most every bar/restaurant business owner I know) can't find quality employees. 

When you come to Ocean City Maryland you ultimately pay an inflated price for almost everything. Because prices can be so high you expect good food, services and experiences. That can only be done by having enough staff to keep things moving properly. 

In our case we rely on J1's to book the entire Motel, (Alamo) and we in turn provide 100% fully renovated and extremely clean rooms for these students. Tonight we learned the J1's, (172 of them) are NOT coming, period. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent this year again in renovations at the Alamo to guarantee them comfort, cleanliness, safety and an overall great experience. We had a company come in this year and leased the entire complex and now they too are crushed.

To top it off, while we need these J1's to employ throughout all of Ocean City, Trump just gifted everyone by expanding unemployment. This is the first time I can say that I'm very disappointed in President Trump.  


  1. Well if enough lazy ass Americans would get off their ass it wouldn't matter we wouldn't need all the J1s plenty of unemployed Americans that need jobs and want to work just as well

  2. no , the president it taking care of his country , good moves

  3. My friend is a great server, reliable, friendly, and knows she could make a huge amount of money in OC, but not this year. Her safety is more important. OC ruined it for locals,tourists, and business owners by letting the animals run wild in the town. Good luck to your business though! But unfortunately the hard working american workers are afraid now to come there. The others are lazy, you're right.

  4. You could just rent to vacationing hard working families for cheaper prices. Your in a much different positions then most businesses. Instead of Mother Russia it could be tax paying American families enjoying themselves at a pandemic price. Or not.

  5. Here is the problem Joe....in YOUR own words...

    “When you come to Ocean City Maryland you ultimately pay an inflated price for almost everything. Because prices can be so high you expect good food, services and experiences. That can only be done by having enough staff to keep things moving properly”.

    You expect people to be “ok” with paying inflated prices for everything just because it is Ocean City. You want to inflate the prices and then get cheap labor so that YOU can make all of the money. Why not have NORMAL/REGULAR prices and not gouge the public and tourists. It’s the greed that drives the businesses in OC. Paying high prices doesn’t go “hand in hand” with expecting good food, services and experiences. I expect that with ANYTHING I pay for. Is it too much to ask that, regardless of how much I spend, I expect it to meet certain criteria of quality and experience? Your rant showed just how disconnected you are and your overwhelming sense of entitlement.

  6. Boo hoo business owners will have to hire Americans. Cry me a river. Americans need jobs first.

    1. Problem is none of the Americans want those type of jobs. They want to sit on their ass and have it handed to them.

  7. God Bless President Donald Trump! I grew up in OC. I learned the importance of work in the local restaurants, arcades, etc that I worked for from the age of 15 till I graduated and served in the Army. I was proud to be making my OWN money, and grew into a responsible young man. Unfortunately these days parents don't impress that value upon their kids. They seem to feel the kids ate better than that, or whatever..I really don't know, but the foreigners do push their kids to learn to be independent, learn the value, and REWARD of WORK! It's about time for these American kids to get off their "gamer" butts, and learn the values of works, earning your own money, and the basic responsibilities of young adulthood! President Trump understands these value lessons, so come on OC...the world ain't gonna collapse without J1 visa workers. Maybe its time to source "locally" and encourage young Americans to get off their butts and work!

  8. Hell I can't get a decent helper paying $20 an hour! Had two that started fine but after a week the work pace slowed and quality went down, very disappointing when you offer that kind of money!! Doing it all myself now.

  9. Maybe if Hogan scratched Trump's back then Trump might scratch Hogan's back. Blame Mr. Potato Head.

    1. Business man to Business man....you'd think so.


  10. @10:57 I agree with you! My son who is 16 along with my 18 year old niece were planning on working in OC this summer but unfortunately it just isn’t safe

  11. Unknown said...
    Well if enough lazy ass Americans would get off their ass it wouldn't matter we wouldn't need all the J1s plenty of unemployed Americans that need jobs and want to work just as well

    June 22, 2020 at 10:42 PM

    You beat me to it. When I graduated from high school many of my classmates went to Ocean City while the rest worked on farms, etc. There are enough people to work but they need to get off their lazy asses and work. I blame the lame ass parents for coddling their sissy ass kids and letting them stay up all night on Xbox. Lame ass, lazy ass Americans.

  12. Anonymous said...
    no , the president it taking care of his country , good moves

    June 22, 2020 at 10:50 PM


  13. Anonymous said...
    My friend is a great server, reliable, friendly, and knows she could make a huge amount of money in OC, but not this year. Her safety is more important. OC ruined it for locals,tourists, and business owners by letting the animals run wild in the town. Good luck to your business though! But unfortunately the hard working american workers are afraid now to come there. The others are lazy, you're right.

    June 22, 2020 at 10:57 PM

    When you have Liberals running towns the ultimate result is CRIME!!

  14. June 22, 2020 at 10:42 PM
    Yer a moron.
    They hire J1 because they get a tax break and they don't follow labor laws, because who is going to complain?
    There have been several lawsuits in recent years for not paying overtime, etc.
    It has nothing to do with lazy and everything to do with money.

  15. 10:50pm How in the world is he taking care of this country by blocking necessary workers from coming here? Makes no sense.

    1. Necessary employees??? Are you on crack? He's taking care of American workers by NOT flooding area with foriegn workers, and thereby providing opportunities to "local" people....AMERICANS! Hey...this ain't Rocket science!

    2. Cheap labor. That's necessary?? Fix the crime first. Not to mention we still have coronavirus. Don't need any sick FOREIGNERS here.

  16. 10:57pm- Yeah it was bad for a few weeks but it has quieted down now. Your friend should come to OC and make the money, she will be fine.

  17. I do not believe the $600 unemployment benefit was extended if that is what u are referring to you need to cite that source - I honestly believe this might be the reason Trump will not extend that $600 - now Americans have access to over 500,000 jobs that would have gone to foreign workers. All around I do agree another blow to Ocean City.

  18. 12:00, Your comment tends to speak towards me so let me answer your question. My article speaks for ALL businesses that work with J1's. As for me personally, I do not hire J1's at the Motel or Caribbean Joe's. With the glut of employees all around perhaps our American kids can finally step up to the plate and actually go to work. I can honestly tell you I have young friends here who are making $800.00 a shift because local restaurants are so under staffed that they are working double shifts and raking it in. Businesses are starting to cut hours and even in my case I'm only open Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 2 AM. By the way, I'm opening the pool this week.

  19. So to correct a couple of the comments as an OC business owner, first let’s talk about pricing which someone said earlier is gouging.
    OC is not New York. Their prices are higher, but their tourism isn’t seasonal. Ours is. You have to earn as much as possible in summer to survive winter. The market supports these, frankly reasonable prices in OC. Higher than Salisbury? Sure. Better than Salisbury? By a mile. Worth paying a couple bucks more to look at the bay instead of the sewage filled Wicomico River? I think so.

    Two j1 hiring. Everyone acts like Americans are being shut out of these jobs. That’s nonsense. The lower shore has a tiny population. We don’t have the hiring field to fill “seasonal” jobs. Should people want to come to an OC hotel now and make $13 an hour to clean hotel rooms? You would think, but you can’t find the people. Why? Because someone will take a $12 an hour job in Princess Anne that doesn’t run out September 15. People want permanent jobs and not seasonal, that’s not what most of these are. It’s not about not wanting to hire American kids who don’t work hard and who are on their phones all day. If you get them you try and train that out of them. We simply don’t have enough of them and never have.

    1. You have to earn “as much as possible” in the summer because YOU choose to only work the summer and not during the winter. Everyone would like to do that. Just work during the winter and your problem is solved!!

  20. 12:25, Yeah, that's so easy for you to say. As mentioned above, I do not hire J1's but American kids don't want to work OR they are enjoying unemployment. What you are not seeing is American kids don't want to work, period. And who would IF they are on unemployment bringing in a thousand a week. Hence my being upset with President Trump extending unemployment benefits.

    AS for the rest of you and safety, no one can argue that point right now but I agree, things have slowed down. I personally take my staff to their vehicles at the end of every shift.

    1. My kids work and work hard. They started working at 15. They all have jobs in OC this year. And Some are at minimum wage pay. It is not enough money for what they are doing. Wish there was a way to find out who pays well and who doesn't. Most of their friends don't know how to work and won't cause mommy and daddy pay their way.

    2. "I personally take my staff to their vehicles at the end of every shift."

      Lolololol what the hell is your tubby ass going to do if there's a threat? Threaten to sue them?!?! This is the funniest thing I've read in years!

    3. Joe that comment makes no sense. Cant say the kids are lazy and dont want to work. That means they never had a job so cant make unemployment. You are mixing totally separate issues to drive yet another illconceived political point.

  21. I agree with Trump 100%... Hire Americans!

  22. I think it is great the J1's are not coming, Business' had 3 months to start advertising and interviewing people online, facetime, zoom, etc. They did nothing. Months went by and maybe 1 or 2 restaurants were smart enough to recruit staff online to be prepared for opening day. High School Kids are not receiving unemployment so if you really need staff think outside the box. Check Worcester County Jail and pull from Work Release, they need work as well! Try to plan on not using foreign help and be a part of the solution, nothing happens overnight! My opinion of course

  23. A rare good move by Lying Donald. He recognized that OC Leaders and businesses value dollars over lives. And although he thoroughly agrees with that hearing that OC was recruiting in Mexico was the last straw!

  24. So they're making $400 a shift but working twice as many hours. I have never been to your place but I imagine it's clean and well run because you put your reputation out there for everyone to see. But most restaurants pay minimum wage and expect tips to create a financially good environment for the employees. The real reason for the foreign workers is cheap labor and nothing more. Ocean city has some of the greediest owners I have ever seen barring a few. While good workers are very hard to find, it's not impossible if you try.

  25. I agree that Americans need to work! I also agree that a majority are lazy. Alot of us are scared to work in OC until they remove all the trash attacking ppl! People don't want to send their kids there for safety purposes. I agree with Trump to a certain extent on this. If they cleaned it up there wouldn't be an issue on us non-lazy people. I am 40yrs old and have worked since I was in middle school. I want to work! Where I'm employed now doesn't give me enough hours while the young ones who boost the managers ego and calls out sick , gets the hours! If I can get paid more than minimum wage, get more than 26hours, and guaranteed safety, I'd be there in a heartbeat and show these youngsters how it's done. I've been the jack of all trades from a cab driver, clerical, administrative assistant, retail optician and cleaning!

  26. Another problem with hiring American college students anymore is schools start in August. With J1's you have them at least through Sept.

  27. J1 visa's...take away the fact that a corrupt politician made millions with a backroom deal to make these acceptable/legal. Its no different than human trafficking. The J1 broker...a pimp, no diff than the coyote getting illegals threw the boarder. No different than filling our universities with chinese, our stores full of cheap products, our labor force with 3rd world citizens....all about "muh profits". How is this any different than democrats using illegal votes for profit/power.Not going to address the subsidy money aye? American yng adults have been cast aside for profits. Their hands on education and experience in supporting their county, state and towns, their pride in excelling and accomplishment...team work...American Pride and strength. Greedy business owners are as much to blame as greedy politicians.

  28. I was at a local business this weekend and asked if a certain employee had returned to work as yet since they were now able to open. His response was "not as yet as she did not feel it "safe" to return at this time. Of course, why would she when she is on unemployment bringing in an additional $600.00 a week for the time being. I wonder if after July 31 she will all of a sudden decide that it is now "safe" to return?
    I guarantee you the J1's would be thrilled to be working here and actually show up for work each day and not be milking the system like so many of the lazy American's are doing right now.

  29. I work in a restaurant in OC and I do not miss a single J1. They are lazy and the majority of them don’t speak enough English to qualify to work here. I would much rather work extra hours and make more money with them not being here than have to babysit them. Did you ever stop and think that maybe the J1s are the reason local people don’t want to work in OC?

    1. Most russian/eastern euro J1s have serious attitude problems. I worked in Rehoboth/Bethany with a bunch of them over the years and most of the guys weren't too friendly. The Irish people were great though.


  30. OC's staffing issues are unfortunate; no easy solution, especially this year.

    J1s bring the advantage of willing to live in OC or within walk/bike radius. And accept overcrowding. Basically win-win; they get to work and vacation here. Your plan to house them was creative and definite win-win.

    Many local kids old enough to work don't have licenses or transportation; they look for work closer to home.

    And then there's the virus. Keeping vacationers at home. Scaring prospective employees because they'd be in contact with strangers most of their shift.

    Lawless behavior has become a major concern; it's been well covered and documented.

    The Visa decision hurts all areas that rely on foreign temps, when many of the jobs they fill are seasonally created. But it makes many jobs available to those unemployed due to the virus shutdowns. If they choose to pursue them. And not everyone has a sparkling or acceptable service personality.

    The market will adjust to what businesses can provide, and what customers can afford.

  31. Why are prices in OC inflated?Properties are because the regulations to build are ridiculous and years to obtain permits in turn rents have to be high to pay for them.Then the cost of city services are for a year but the busy season only is for 5 months at best.

  32. We would not need them if those lazy asses who sit home, or are out protesting for days, would get a job instead and stop sucking off welfare and making tax paying citizens foot the bill, we would not have this problem.

    1. Actually, tax- paying citizens are not paying the bill. It is all going on a “credit card” issued by the treasury and will eventually be paid by inflation which will make everybody’s savings worthless..

  33. Don't be disappointed in President Trumps decision Joe. Maybe this will be the match to light the fire of many of our youth here in America. Change takes time to get used to. Personally if this is what it takes then so be it.
    I want our young people to have jobs.
    As for OC they need to work more on security and safety so the tourists who do want to come will be safe.

    1. Joe is upset because he loses on the money renting out the Alamo. Trump’s decision actually hurts a lot of businesses and usually Trump supports businesses over the little guy.

  34. My children have many Bulgarian friends that lived there, and they remain in touch today. I can say some of them are not coming because of Covid and the rules surrounding travel in their respective countries.
    There are lots of kids or young adults who are willing to work, but when you have to be 16 to work at McDonalds etc., it shuts out a group kids who are willing to work at 14/15yrs old. Yes, there are some employers that hire young, but they are few and far between.

  35. I agree with the Trump. We cannot have 10% unemployment and still be bringing foreign workers in. We own a business and had to pay more for our products from China due to the tariffs. America’s dependence on cheap foreign labor and goods has to be broken. I liken it to getting a shot. It’s really painful but in the end we will all be healthier for it.

  36. Don't agree with expanding unemployment at all. We need to Cut off unemployment and get these lazy 20 to 30 year olds at work and off the streets.
    100 percent behind stopping the VISAS. Keep the immigrants and foreigners out and you'll have to hire U.S. citizens.

  37. I find this subject ridiculous because all we hear on the news is how bad the unemployment is in this country and millions of able bodied people on government programs getting free money and we can't find any body to work. Very few people will work when they can get paid for doing nothing. The solution is not brining in more workers, the solution is getting our own workers off the government nipple. Trump is correct in my opinion.

  38. I tried to tell you all, that your god of a president is not god!!!! Now you see that!!! You people are pathetic with your hope of trump!!!! So blind, he would lead you to slaughter!!!!

    1. There is something seriously wrong with someone who reacts the way you just did.

    2. You may be right because he apparently has you very bitter. I don’t believe your propaganda though. Go Trump!

  39. I am not sure where you are getting your news, but Trump DID NOT extend unemployment and has no interest in expanding the unemployment bonus past its July 31 expiration.

  40. Your wrong on this one Joe your Bar makes plenty of $ you always say so. Offer local college students and seniors a little more $ instead if pandering to immigrants who work for less, you will win in the eyes of us that live here, and not run into putting more thugs here which we don’t need, and more chos in OC late nite. America First remember not border trouble!

  41. OK, so let me explain a little more. At Caribbean Joe's I sell domestic beer for $4.00 and mixed drinks for $6.00. Don't think for a second that I'm trying to take advantage of anyone because most other places in West OC are selling domestic beer for $5.75 to $6.25 each, before the 10% liquor tax. I also sell Natural Light for $2.00 each. My goal has always been to attract LOCALS all year round. While I do get business from tourists it's nothing like the volume other businesses go after. We truly enjoy the customer base we have.

  42. My son needed a job and Ocean City is the last place I wanted him to work. Not just because of the crime but there is still a virus out here. People are flocking to Ocean City from Pennsylvania and other states. His health and our health is more important to me. While he did get a job in Salisbury where he has limited contact with the public, he won't be making Ocean City money. I haven't been to Ocean City and don't plan on going. I'd rather protect my health.

  43. Here's something really interesting too. I am getting calls from bartenders and servers from the Annapolis area wanting work because for some odd reason the bar/restaurants there are not doing well at all. It started out pretty good when Hogan allowed outdoor dining but now people aren't coming out in fear of the virus, is my guess. I just hired a bartender from Annapolis, (someone I happen to know) and I'm ecstatic about her joining our team. So maybe things will look up but I feel sorry for those businesses in Annapolis slowing down.

    1. This is true. My son is a bartender in Annapolis and said it’s been slow.

    2. We are about two weeks behind Annapolis hopefully not but Ocean City may experience that slow down. The virus is still out there and it is spreading.

    3. 12:94. Yes, the virus is out there and everyone will be exposed. Just like the flu. The numbers are similar. Increased cases mean nothing.

  44. I am glad see the J1 students are not returning. I too am offering 13/hr for a menial job position. A young American girl from Somerset wants the job badly but, it will cost her at least $60 a week in gas to get here, plus wear and tear.
    I started in OC 28 years ago and, starting wages were $7-8hr. A lot has changed but, wage gains...not so much.

    1. She can stay at Alamo for free is she cleans room and does her own linens. America first

  45. 706 SAID:
    I think it is great the J1's are not coming, Business' had 3 months to start advertising and interviewing people online, facetime, zoom, etc. They did nothing. Months went by and maybe 1 or 2 restaurants were smart enough to recruit staff online to be prepared for opening day. High School Kids are not receiving unemployment so if you really need staff think outside the box. Check Worcester County Jail and pull from Work Release, they need work as well! Try to plan on not using foreign help and be a part of the solution, nothing happens overnight! My opinion of course

    Opinions are always welcome since we can learn from most and smile at the rest. Indeed there was PLENTY of time to proactively react and plan IF J1s were not on the table. All businesses "should" have a plan of action when things don't pan out. Why? To keep business running (minus a WORLD pandemic) since we all live day-to-day.

    OC and the vicinity is a seasonal vacation mainstay - which means the most bang for our buck is spring SUMMER fall. Now Rickie and Co have tried to make OC a year round place. Uhhhh Rickie - hows that really doin?

    So we need workers and must look everywhere regardless of social status changes (lazy snowflakes, lazy parents cuz of coddling, welfare money vs. starting salary, etc.). We must get creative or..well we don't/won't have a business. Lose/Lose unless creativity comes into play.

    HENCE the entire issue of Rickie and City Fail. Continuing to hope things will go away (May/June debacles on the Boards), thinking the only way to make up lost revenue by taxing the hell out of everyone (uhhh lost revenue can never ever be recovered), not forward planning (strategic planning - not just capital improvement planning) surrounding yourself with quality mindsets not quantity old habit mindsets AND most of all - improved outreach with your community and the PEOPLE. Don't continue to shut them out, squashing their comments during community "open mike"/email time or continue to have closed sessions. Makes you very out of tune with today's happenings.

    Now if you can't - move the hell over and let someone else lead.

  46. I guess you people think Ocean City employers could have solved their employment problems by going down to the boardwalk every night and handing out job applications. After all there were a lot of young people down there that just deserve to be treated fairly. Just watch the videos.

  47. Trump did the right thing. We don't need half of Russia here to take up the jobs that Americans could have. They would take jobs there if the mayor of that filth hole would would clean up the town of thugs and and all trouble makers. People with good sense are afraid to go there or work there,. If I were the parent of a young person, the last place on earth I would want them to work would be Ocean City. It's a terribly troubled town that you can no longer feel safe in, day or night.

  48. You are really GREAT and IMPORTANT Joe, that's why you are hiring someone from Annapolis. We are all impressed with you.

  49. Joe at 12:25... you said it all right there: American kids don't want to work. People commenting here along the lines of "good there's no J-1 workers, now Americans can have those jobs" are fools. The tourism industry can't find enough young Americans to do these high-stress, fast-paced tourism jobs --- hence the need for 4,000 J-1 workers in OC alone every year. When you count DE beaches it approaches 8,000, usually.

    1. That's because over the years they would rather hire J1 instead of AMERICAN kids. That's a fact. So now your in a catch 22. You're going to have pay more. You not going to work them like dogs. Chickens home to roost.

  50. Good.
    Not to you Joe, but it’s Karma that is long overdue to OC business owners who treat employees like dogs.
    Many of us who suffered are sitting back and enjoying them suffer and we hope they go out of business and bankrupt.

  51. High stress fast paced tourist jobs? What selling fries and hermit crabs to idiots? You are a moron! OC’s problems are the issue not a lack of workers. Crime low wages dealing with riffraff. Finally caught up to all those greedy business owners. Good luck with that!

  52. 12:14 how nasty are you? Explain how you were treated or mis treated. Powerful statement to throw out there. Remember karma is a bitch.

  53. The Trump is insulating the Country from foreign influence designed to gather intelligence and report to their handlers to cause more trouble wholesalely in the USA. Just right. Keep up the good work Don! Isn't there some job for them to work in their home countries? All the liberals say they are underprivileged yet the report that came from the Dems. proved it wasn't mentioned that 47 of these 'poor' kids were actually lieutenants in the Russian military and evenly dispersed throughout the USA and detected by the CIA. Trump has the intelligence reports we'll never see so I will trust him and disregard capitalists who are tuned in for their individual good only.

  54. 830 am. Your referring to the MOST dangerous country in the EU. The country has more crime then Maryland and has a smaller population. They would be safer, more free and healthier in ANY state of our wonderful country.
    Before trolling research the country.

  55. This used to be a good program about 10yrs ago..you could reasonably expect to get mostly good kids who wanted to work as much as they could. However, the last couple of years my company actually used it, the quality went noticeably downhill. Come to find out, a good number of these “students” aren’t actually students...they take 1 class to qualify, get here, and never leave. A popular route after the summer is out to Chicago or Seattle to get drivers Licenses and/or CDLs, and they aren’t always obtained legally. You also had to take into account how many wouldn’t pass a drug test on arrival either. So if we were banking on 10 students, we were praying at the end of our usage we’d get 3 or 4 that were worth a damn, when it was closer to 8 or 9 previously.

  56. There are Plenty of High School & College age American kids to hire !!!

  57. Americans FIRST !!! or the businesses can CLOSE !!! SEE YA !!!!

  58. Americans will work but wages will get pushed up. Americans aren’t cheap like Russians. Fact

  59. The truth is not all people fit into the groups mentioned a friend and I went out to lunch on my 50th Wedding Anniversary we went to Red Lobster and they have a one page menu now and as you can guess they were high prices. The thing that made it so enjoyable being with a friend but the best part we agreed was this really nice young male waiter he was pleasant, thoughtful and real kind. He said he had been out of work for months and was just happy to be back working again. This is what made him happy to just have a job and be working again said he enjoyed his job there and also had worked two jobs before the COVID Virus at Red Lobster and Olive Garden he just loves to work. That is why I say not all young people are thugs and lazy. Try to look at the good things around you it has been hard on all of us but give the local people the jobs, put the $ back in our communities . I believe our waiters name was Joshua I hope I have it right.

    1. It’s definitely important to put local money back into a billion dollar boxed seafood restaurant.

  60. Ocean City was crushed long before this decision. The greed and selfishness took over along with a Mayor desperate to pander to the shady business people, and not the families that once made it a great resort. Another Atlantic City on the horizon. Thanks Rick, enjoy your retirement.

  61. 756am

    BAM Mic Drop on Rickie Beerinhan BAM!

  62. Now can you say "Chapter 13" Everyone? This is going to hurt ALOT!!!


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