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Monday, June 22, 2020

Cultural Revolution: New Lenin Statue Erected as Washington, Jefferson, and More Fall

A statue of Bolshevik communist despot Vladimir Lenin has been erected in Germany– as statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other historic figures are torn down in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the wider West.

Lenin, born Vladimir Ulyanov, was the inaugural leader of what later became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or Soviet Union, after his Bolshevik faction failed to win a democratic majority in the All-Russian Constituent Assembly but came out on top in the brutal civil war which they plunged the Russian Empire into in 1917.



  1. Mao Zedong is going to go up in Downtown San Francisco near the Asian community.

  2. For the sake of an argument let’s
    pretend America is now under either Russian or China’s communist rule. How would these new rulers deal with the BLM thugs or the protesters in Seattle?

    1. Easy Button
      Communists use idiots to place them into power. Then they murder the idiots so they do don’t have to feed them.

      It has been happening for 100 years

  3. 1240 - exactly, yet no one has that ability to think on those terms AND that is scary given those "thinkers" will be running our country in 10-20 years!



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