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Saturday, June 06, 2020

New York Appeals Court Orders Molotov Cocktail Lawyers and Domestic Terrorists Back to Jail

Attorneys Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman were arrested for tossing Molotov cocktails at a police vehicle.

Colinford Mattis works as a Corporate Associate at Pryor Cashman LLP | He’s a Problem Solver by Nature and a Lawyer by Training.

The Daily News reported:

Two high-powered lawyers, including an Ivy League corporate attorney were charged on Sunday with hurling Molotov cocktails into a police vehicle during the New York leftist riots this weekend.

Colinford Mattis, 32, a lawyer and member of Community Board 5 in East New York, was charged along with fellow attorney Urooj Rahman with the attempted attack on an empty police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.

“This is shocking news to me,” Andre Mitchell, president of Community Board 5 told the Daily News. “The allegation does surprise me because that doesn’t sound like him.”

The super of Rahman’s building called her “an angel” who recently lost her legal job.

I can’t believe it. I’m stunned,” said George Raleigh, the super of Rahman’s building in Bay Ridge. “This kid? She’s an angel.”



  1. I hope them both get cornoavirus this before they are made an example out of by the DOJ. You can bet their sentences aren't going to be light.

  2. So, what is worse? The fact that they're terrorists or the fact that they're lawyers?

  3. What's funny is you can tell by the camera angle of the pictures being shown right before the skank tosses the cocktail that the police car was put in place for this purpose. So it could be surveilled and ghetto garbage and skanks like this could be identified and caught ASAP. What is funny is these 2 never dreamed they were being surveilled and it was a set up. They may be "lawyers" but we all know what that is all about. He's was plucked from the ghetto to fill a quota and she's not only female but a muslim. it definitely wasn't be either are smart because they are far from it.
    He'll end up back in the ghetto and her mother who is dying will die while she's locked up, Serves the garbage waste of air right. If she cared anyway about her dying mother she would never have involved herself in her crimes.

  4. NYC has an overabundance of crazy professionals in every borough.

  5. An arsonist is a murderer and should be shot on sight more especially if the building is occupied.


  6. They should get maximum sentences; no plea down! They had distributed other Molotovs earlier so it was pre-meditated, arson, terrorism, etc.

    Her best friend, who had a pretty big job working for Obama, put together a bail group so she could have home confinement. Very glad that bail was revoked and she's in the clink. Her federal charges alone should be extensive.

    Same wish for her buddy lawyer driver.


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