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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Dog Returned to White Woman Who Called Cops on Black Birdwatcher

Amy Cooper "voluntarily surrendered" the dog to Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue after the incident sparked outrage

Amy Cooper, the white woman who called police on a black bird watcher who had asked her to leash her dog in a section of New York City's Central Park, has gotten her dog back after initially handing over the animal to a rescue while the incident was being investigated.

Widespread outrage sparked after cellphone video captured by the birder, Christian Cooper (no relation), went viral following the May 25 encounter. Part of the criticism centered on Amy Cooper's treatment of her dog, a cocker spaniel named Henry.

The video shows Amy aggressively tugging at the dog's collar and leash and at times pulling him off his feet as she seemingly pays no attention to the animal's visible discomfort.



  1. White black purple yellow red.......no wonder it is claimed race relations are not good. When discussing anything the flavor is most of the time sprinkled in on it. Just say what the subject is and leave the rainbows out. Chit getting old.

  2. The woman was strangling the dog. But she was TRIGGERED by a black man with a cellphone and binoculars who asked her to be considerate of everyone by leashing her dog in accordance with the park rules, so it was okay.

    Does white privilege figure into this?

    1. White privilege is a racial slur to diminish white people

    2. That's the fact Jack

    3. created, embraced and exhibited by white people. own it. I saw a white woman during the protest but w/ those rubber bullets. During the heat of it she was most mad because, "They shot me, a white women" she was visibly shocked. I was shocked because she must did not research her history on whites who have helped in the past (freedom riders) Missippi. aka ...lovers

  3. Let's NOT forget it was a Lib pos woman the same Type marching with ANTIFA.

    1. Well she also sits to pee...so we got that going for us

      (Snicker snicker)

  4. 5:37 if you are going to comment don't lie. Tell the whole and true story. She was triggered because she was being threatened by black man. There have been killings of white woman in that park and others in NYC by black men and you have to admit with what we are seeing now none can be trusted its in so many to go full violent at the drop of a hat. None are to be trusted. She had every reason to not trust him and every reason to be terrified. Anyway he said he was telling her to bring the dog to him for a treat but again after we see what is going on and the way they steal it was a good chance of this one stealing her dog. It seems they can steal at the drop of a hat.

    1. He was posing as a birdwatcher as a cover for his dog thievery. Lol 😂 white people will come up with all kinds of convoluted stories rather than admit guilt.

  5. Anyone ask the dog if he wanted to go back?

    1. 6:41, Now you got me thinking. Do we know if the dog was white or black or mixed. Who, what, when, where, why, and color of alleged dog.

  6. Damn hilarious. Better leave people alone. I see both sides.

  7. " Anonymous said...
    He was posing as a birdwatcher as a cover for his dog thievery. Lol 😂 white people will come up with all kinds of convoluted stories rather than admit guilt.

    June 6, 2020 at 6:31 PM"

    White people on this site don't lie We aren't you. He most certainly did threaten and like I said black men have proven to be dangerous in NYC parks for white woman. Don't blame me. It's them they have proven they are extremely violent too many times for anyone to count. Look how they shot that elderly black man and let him die right on the streets. Look how they shot that black girl Italia in iowa at one of their "protests" They kill each other at constantly in cities.

  8. I still feel sorry for the pooch.

  9. Think about how nervous the birds must be with a black man watching them... especially if there are any chickens

  10. 730 if only there was video footage out their and follow-up statements from the woman to prove what really happened.......LOL Enjoy your stay in fantasy land

  11. That poor dog. probably was protesting not to go back to her. smh sad how some people on here claim to be so educated and insightful, but will speak like a fool rather than acknowledge what is clear and true. This woman is dangerous. She did this to this black man who could been killed or falsely harshly prosecuted. Thats the real difference. However, I m sure she she'll do it to any man she sees fit to, no matter his race.


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