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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing Ben Rhodes and aides joking about Benghazi lies

Judicial Watch once again has proven to be invaluable (donate here) in uncovering official perfidy. This time, its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has uncovered utterly appalling levity among top Obama foreign policy aides over their lies to the public about the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi Consular Annex that took the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Readers will recall that UN Ambassador Susan Rice, now touted as a vice presidential nominee for front man Joe Biden, went on five Sunday morning talk shows to lie about the attack and blame it on a YouTube video seen by a handful of people. Nine days later, the-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes yucked it up with his crew.


  1. Anyone with common sense knows the video was a cover up. Hillary was the worse Secretary of State ever. Why do these politicians forget they are public servants - not communist dictators.

  2. Shameless, and Obama and Hillary in the thick of it.

  3. The AMERICAN PEOPLE are you the FOOL'S. Another treasonous act by the Obama administration. This guy should be put in front of a firing squad.

  4. How are they not in jail? Meanwhile Flynn is broke and living with his kids.

  5. America needs an enema. Time to flush these turds away once and for all. Anyone else noticed how bad Obama looks lately. The man has aged twenty years in a year. He knows the bell tolls for him. The truth is coming out right after Trump wins his next term. They know what awaits them.


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