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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gun-Toting St. Louis Lawyers Defend Mansion From BLM Protesters In Viral Video

A St. Louis couple armed themselves and stood outside their mansion as a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who had broken into their gated community shuffled past while chanting.

A St. Louis couple defends their home with guns as protesters march through their neighborhood:pic.twitter.com/LqzvrBSREu— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) June 29, 2020

The couple, identified as attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey, engaged in a shouting match with the protesters, waving what appeared to be an AR-15 rifle and a pistol (albeit employing terrible muzzle and trigger discipline and without cover).

Residents bring out guns against peaceful marchers in St Louis, Mo #respectis #expectus #stlouis#lydakrewson pic.twitter.com/blBOtWjMWS— Ryanzo Perez (@RyanzoPerez) June 29, 2020

As the Gateway Pundit's Cassandra Fairbanks notes, the BLM protesters can be clearly be seen entering a gate into the McCloskey's private community.

In this livestream footage you can clearly see the STL black lives matter mob entered through the gate to a private community. This was not a public sidewalk. https://t.co/NeKHgTBWEu pic.twitter.com/UdYq3pGtlb— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) June 29, 2020

"Private Street" pic.twitter.com/r7VMDo60sm— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) June 29, 2020

Following the incident people began calling for the McCloskeys to be doxed - resulting in at least one publication removing their address from a 2018 article detailing the extensive renovations they performed on the 1912 mansion.



  1. Entering a gate? They broke down a locked iron gate yelling they will kill him and his wife for being white. He called 911 and security and they did not show up. But that AR 15 made a difference. Legally owned and the state has a defend your castle doctrine. Maryland does not have this unless you can articulate no avenue of escape and eminent danger of loss of life.

  2. And now they are being investigated. This world has turned upside down. Someone needs to organize. Could this be the modern day Fort Sumpter?

    1. Investigated for what? What is there to be investigated?

  3. The problem here for Marylanders is Maryland has the Duty to Retreat and the Castle Doctrine. Duty to Retreat means that you must retreat into your house when confronted by an individual or angry mob(s). In the State of Maryland, you can not stand outside of your home to defend your property. You have the Duty to Retreat into your home. The Castle Doctrine means that if an individual or angry mob(s) enters into your home, and there is clear and present danger to you, then you can shot to kill the intruder just as long as the intruder is in your home. Examining the situation that occurred in St. Louis is the man and wife where confronted with an angry mob that entered onto private property, but the angry mob never entered the home. In Maryland the angry mob can trespass onto your private property, throw gasoline cocktails onto your home and burn it to the ground and never enter your home. In maryland, if you shot to kill the individual or angry mob(s) that threw a gasoline cocktail onto you home and burned it to the ground but never entered your home, then the home owner is guilt of murder. In Maryland, there are two types of private property. Private property outside of your home and private property inside of your home.

    1. You left out a very important part on Maryland. Before you shoot, you have to exit if there is a way to get out without shooting. In other words, the bad guy can flush you out and you had better take that route before squeezing. Very sad place to be.

    2. Not gonna happen in my home 3:19

  4. Hats off to these individuals for protecting what they worked hard to achieve let alone their lives. We need more of that. Mobs need to be dealt with peaceful or not. Defend America. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  5. Prime example of citizens exercising
    their second ammendment rights.

  6. 11:01
    Yes they are being investigated by another Soros flunkie DA.

    The investigation will go nowhere. These "peaceful" protesters broke down a locked iron gate and entered private property and began threatening those people.

    Under Missouri castle doctrine law, the guy would have been within his rights to start shooting.

  7. Makes me proud to see this couple stand their ground. Gives me a feeling America can make it back. MAGA

  8. God forbid people protect themselves from rampaging Democrats.

  9. The black female DA is a Soros backed socialist who is definitely has nothing but hate for whites.

  10. @ 3:19 - Very sad STATE. Pathetic, actually. Time to revolt.

  11. Don't worry, there will be a knife in the intruder's hand after I have shot him DEAD!


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