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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Democrats Take A Knee In George Floyd's Memory

I kneel to God and No One Else!


  1. That's not kneeling.
    It's pandering.

  2. The most pathetic display of pandering I have ever seen. These same career politicians have been in office for 40 years and done nothing.

  3. Nadler = Too damn fat to kneel because the others couldn't get him up!

  4. And Nancy needed help getting up and basket couldn't kneel lol

  5. These people disgust me.

  6. I saw this guy's funeral on every Freaking channel today. Do you know who else got buried today?? The retired police captain who was murdered protecting a pawn shop. NOT ONE CHANNEL. NOT EVEN FOX I THINK.

  7. While wearing African scarves? Isn't that cultural appropriation???

  8. Sick bunch of people on their knees.

  9. SOoooo, ahhhh, what's up with the Cultural appropriation huh??? Do we just add this to the ever growing list of crap that's ONLY wrong if WE do it? What the Fuuuuuuuu?

  10. Completely demonic.

  11. Interesting animal today's democrat,species Photo-opticus Panderus, very clever at deception and eating its own.

  12. Did they buy the scarves wholesale?

  13. Ok, the cop was doing a Colin Kaepernick impression taking a knee on a criminal when he killed him.
    What are these fools taking a knee for?

  14. This is so disgusting that it makes me sick. It is not normal for people to take a knee for a criminal thug. Ok, if you agree the 'cop was wrong' then so be it. Say it and move on. No need to turn this thug into a martyr. He raped a woman and threaten to kill her unborn child. He was a nasty porn star. He was a gang member. Is this what we want our children to memorialize and honor? HELL NO! And anyone who defends what these clowns and the media are doing has a mental problem and that goes for you too, Joe. I read many comments where you were defending this idiot and that disgusts me.

  15. Sad.

    Catering to the minority since they are "hurt".


  16. It's actually called genuflecting. That is the proper word. In ghetto talk it's "taking a knee."
    whatever anyone wants to call it though it is and unGodly action and at the end of the day God has the last word and those who engage support in un=Godly actions such as this will pay a price on this earth as well as in the afterlife.

  17. HA 6:29 you have something there!

    From now on, everybody taking a knee is imitating the cop kneeling on ol George Floyd's neck.

    You go Nancy, grind your knee into George's neck!

  18. Photo-opticus Panderus YOu win the internet today LOL I love it.

  19. Hippocrits in action !!!! Remember they were the KKK !!! Still are !!!

  20. How many men did it take to heave Nancy back up?


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