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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Biden: 'On Day One...I'm Sending...a Bill to Provide a Path to Citizenship for 11 Million Undocumented People'

(CNSNews.com) - If Joe Biden becomes president in January, he will make it possible for millions of people who came to this country illegally to compete against American citizens for jobs.

He will do that "on day one" by sending a bill to Congress to "provide a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented people."



  1. Day one he'll be the same damn fool he is today!

  2. Better start writing soon, Joe. It'll be a lot of words to put through Spell-Check, Grammar-Check and What-The-Hell-Does-That-Even-Mean-Check.

  3. And the Civil WAR Begins!!!!!!!

  4. He won't even remember he said that by September, let alone January.

  5. Does anyone know if sleepy won his senate race ? I've lost track during all this...

  6. The day before day one. You and your son should be in jail. But the corrupt DOJ won't do their job.

  7. Why the magic number 11?

    Ask yourself that question.
    Why not 12 million?
    Why not 10 million?

  8. There was/is a path to citizenship....its called apply, jump through hoops, take a test, pay your taxes.

  9. Biden is too stupid to know that the President is the Executive Branch and not the Legislative Branch. Idiot. Same goes for a County Executive, they are not the Executive Branch and they need to quit acting like they write legislative bills. The need to learn to do their jobs.

  10. Biden is a commie buddy of commie obama

  11. It's called pandering: Webster's dictionary..."pander" - 1. a procurer; pimp 2. one who helps others to satisfy their vices, etc. Ergo, I promise to give you citizenship for your vote.

  12. Let's make sure that half of them are convicted criminals Sleepy Joe! Then we can close all the big city police departments and give the new citizens the money. After all, the working people in this country should be ashamed of their privilege and give up their life savings to support these folks. Most of all, they should be allowed to vote by mail and if they can't read English just send the ballots to the DNC and have someone fill them out for them.

  13. It WOULD be more than 11 Million = but not gonna happen anyway.

    C'mon man!

  14. GREAT! These are primarily folks who are building cities and towns, they are opening and supporting local businesses, and are an economic booms to many localities. Find a way to fully bring them into the fold. Cut the red tape for those waiting to come in!

  15. He is grasping at straws and the truth is he is everyday grasping at a loosing battle with reality, there needs to be an IQ test to run for President. The dribble everyone may think is funny now, but he could say things to foreign leaders, and just think the RED PHONE at the White House could ring and he would have us in a war and put our country in jeopardy, and leak a lot of things just like Hillary with her e-mails into the wrong hands. He is dangerous not funny. The Democrats have got to remove him from the ticket or they will be remembered for decades and might find themselves loosing their whole party for now and the future. It is insanity.

  16. Man. If you listen to him, he is going to be a very busy man.

    He's already promised to do a year's worth of work on "Day 1".

    God help us if he EVER gets to have a "Day 1".

    Keep cheering!


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