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Monday, June 15, 2020

Antifa Tick Tock


  1. Doesn’t look fair from here. The M//C guys have two men and the fruitIfa only have a gang of boys. Still, it will be good.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: The incompetent, inexperienced inept, disorganized and feminine soy boys really don’t want to mess with these guys. I’d love to see an encounter, but the Antifa soy boys have enough survival instinct to know not to push their agenda here.

  3. I say bring them on. The Bikers will show these snowflake ANARCHIST they will not rule them. These ANARCHIST will learn RESPECT quickly.

  4. ✔️✔️✔️
    Joe have you heard Nascar has a car called BLUE LIVES MATTER 😁

  5. Love it. Hope the police don't interfere. Antifa will learn a lesson for sure

  6. 🔨 81 can handle it!

  7. Placerville is a seriously wrong town to choose to harass. It was founded after 1848 by gold miners and the people who supported their needs, including businessmen, farmers and ranchers. They are still a tough, hardworking people who just want to make a living and be left alone. They vote Republican. They have a long history of not putting up with disruptive outsiders. Its original nickname was Hanging Town.

  8. someone please film this encounter

  9. Bikers for trump do NOT equal the drug smuggling outlaws who have been sent to prison for decades by the cops. Stop hoping the REAL bikers are going to save you. They will never side with the police.

    1. In the late 60's the Hells Angels offered to clean up Southeast Asia but their help was refused

  10. Now there's some real justice and enforcement measures!


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