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Monday, June 15, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Transgenders and LGBT

In the last days of Earth, Our Almighty God indicated that men and women will defile the nature HE created.

In the City of Salisbury, Jake Day (the Mayor) seems to take great honor in pushing the perverted abnormal down our throats; just as much as the Alphabet News Networks.

In the Book of Genesis chapter 2 vs 18...
GOD said " It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Reading on in Genius chapter 2 vs 21 and 22 :
So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, HE took one of the man's ribs, and than closed up the place with flesh. The Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and HE brought her to the man.

For some reason this evening, and in reading the Daily Bread , this scripture jumped out for me to post on Joe's Blog.

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ meet your needs.....

Simple solution is to ask Jesus for help and forgiveness.

One Day.... there will be the final Judgment....
Gods words will echo in your souls should you fail to acknowledge and ask forgiveness for your sins.

You have been warned !!

In Gods Name,
Your local readers


  1. I believe we are in the end times as well .... looking for signs of the four horsemen

  2. Today the Supreme Court has just handed down an enormous victory for the LGBT community.

    1. No they didn’t @12:19 they had the same protection under the Constitution this is just a redundant dud

  3. Supreme Court just stated no more discrimination of any US citizen. Covers everyone.

    I'm sure lower courts will have issues, people will sue....

    Fine, whatever, time to move forward.

  4. Saul Alinsky would be proud.

  5. A minority of freaks.

  6. There was also instructions for performing an abortion in the Bible. The Bible stated that women should not speak in church. It also has incest (Lot). So if you want to pick and choose go right ahead...

    1. Lot was supposed to be left behind, but Abraham didn't listen to God. There were consequences. Not everything that happened in the Bible is given as the right thing to do, there were many choices that resulted in disastrous consequences as a warning. You know, Sodom and Gomorrah? Women were recommended not to talk by Paul (not Jesus) because they drowned out the speaker oftentimes- you also need historical context. If you're going to talk smack about the Bible you might want to understand it first.

  7. THat's right, worship a book written and edited in a time where only kings and the wealthy could read. Worship a religion that has allowed and covered up countless molestations of little boys.

    1. It was not christianity but the Catholic church that covered up the abuse, get it straight. The catholic church has been corrupt for centuries!!

    2. That's a corrupt CHURCH system, not a religion. No true Christian supports child abuse, it's vile and its perpetrators will be held accountable in the next life if not this one!

  8. The person who posted this probably voted Trump even though he embodies most of the deadly sins...

  9. Bad time to be a religious bigot; Neil Gorsuch, one of the Trump appointees, wrote a decision that extended federal employment protections to gay and transgender workers.

  10. The Bible also says that Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of a whale. So if you want to take things literally you may want to read the rest of the Bible and not just the parts you find convenient.

  11. God's court will soon issue it's own ruling and every knee will bow! Thanks for your post... refreshing.

  12. 12:38 OH NO, everyone treated equally under the law?! How dare they!

  13. The Bible is clear and consistent about homosexuality. Almighty God is totally against it. Man’s law here is satan’s system will soon end. There is no such thing as “transgender.” Also, there is no gay gene or queer chromosome. People choose to be be homosexual. There are many former queer men and women walking around. It is a disgusting perversion.
    One of many clear scriptures is 1st Corinthians, chapter 6, verses 9 through 11. Extremely clear.

  14. evil like this prevails because good people do nothing. if you would at least get off your asses and vote for anyone who isnt a DemonicRat maybe just maybe things would change for the better.

  15. You lost me when you started quoting a fictional book. That book was written by men many years after these events supposedly happened. Science contradicts your whole Adam and Eve story.

    1. you will regret your words SatanJune 15, 2020 at 9:51 PM


      Get behind me Satan

  16. Supreme Court just ruled so, they have to!!!

  17. God doesn't exist. When you die, there is nothing.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You are wasting your life worrying about things that don't effect you.

  18. @LeftWicomico...

    But what if, just maybe, you're wrong?...

  19. @ June 16, 2020 at 12:50 PM

    What if, just may be, you are wrong about any other religions mob style protection racket scheme?

    Doesn't matter to me... there is exactly the same amount of credible evidence for their fantasies as there are for yours.

    We don't form public policy and laws based off of religious texts, thankfully.

    People have been banging on for Centuries that we are in the end times. It's not scary anymore. It's ridiculous at this point. Christians can't even agree on what it is.

    Tell you what, when you all can agree on what the text means... and when your deity can communicate a uniform message that you all agree on... then come talk to the rest of us. Until then, you need to get your own house in order.

    You have no right to label any person as perverted, and the fact your holy book thinks gays are yucky matters not. You know what is perverse? Infinite punishments for finite crimes. Perverse is a deity that commands genocide, infanticide, gives rules for how you can beat your slaves, and allows women who have been raped to be purchased as a punishment to their attacker. That's perverse, and it's all in your bible.

    How dare you. How dare you stand on that platform and lecture anyone on what is perverse.


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