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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Yeah, We Can Trust Our Mail In Vote Carriers, NOT!

While MOST carriers are honest, THINK! They are either democrat, republican or independent and when they see these special envelopes in particular districts, whoops! Into the dumpster it goes.

There's a reason we have had a system for decades and even that system is challenging at times. However, there's no way I'm going to trust voting by mail, will you?


  1. If we could just be sure it is only the junk mail that is being thrown out.....

    1. Yeah ALL them Democrat union postal members can be trusted with ballots.

    2. The only saving grace - if you don't get a vote form or you do send one in. You call call your local voting administration to verify whether it was received or counted. A pain but at least you know the status.

  2. So take your butt to the polls and vote. That doesn't mean you take away someone else's ability to mail an absentee vote. Its called choices people.

  3. It would have been nice to at least have a drop box option,like in a slot where you vote.

  4. Absolutely not

  5. If it's good enough for MY president, it's good enough for me.

  6. Everything important requires and id. License, getting a job, a mortgage, bank account, passport, etc., etc. By NOT requiring in person identification requirement to vote DEMOCRATS are minimizing the importance and compromising the integrity of an election. But I guess that would be their point.
    I vote for honesty in our elections.

  7. I want a receipt from the Board of Elections.

  8. Ask some of your local carriers the measures postal management will go to while their doing mail counts and route evaluations. How about loading all the mail on tractor trailers and riding it around the Baltimore/Washington expressways for the entire week causing carriers to evaluate their routes with no mail. Some of these carriers take a 5,000 dollar reduction in salary. What do you think management is going to do with mail in ballots after Pelosi gives them 20 billion then another 50 billion on top of that

  9. Why are we even asking OURSELVES this question? Here I go preaching again, but the only issue is WHY AREN'T ALL OF US ASKING...NO, DEMANDING OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS TO STOP IT!!!! Its a mute point, a non issue, a lesson in futility, if all we do is cry about it and voice our opinions IF we DONT put this matter in the laps of our elected officials and DEMAND action! Half the conservative people I know WHINE about all this crap, but when I confront them and ask, have you called or written your County, state, and national reps? The common reply is "What's if matter, nothing will change"...Well, there ya go! Ya cant enjoy the harvest, if yer not getting off yer arse and digging, planting, and sweating. We ALL need a dog in the race if we expect results! Hope y'all having a great day!

  10. This is a sad commentary on our current culture...back in the day MOST people were totally honorable; would NEVER entertain the thought of doing something like this. NOT so today...morals, good values, good character, out the window for many...

  11. 🖕The USPS my ck is late a week so 🖕them.

    1. Soooo, ahhh 12:06....tell me how ya really feel about the post office :) lol...I. with ya man!

  12. They could mail us the ballot and then we could drop it off to a box at the Election Board or courthouse etc. at our convenience so everyone wouldn't be in one place at the same time.

  13. I read the drop box is at the Civic Center. Haven't heard if live visit elections will be held.

  14. There are videos galore of this very premise of postal employees doing this very thing!! Take for example the old owner of THE OLD MILL in Delmar(name left out on purpose). He was a city carrier in Salisbury 30 years ago and was fired for throwing away weekly sales circulars in a dumpster downtown. There is NO WAY to track bulk mailing once it goes into the postal service processing system. Pelosi has come right out and said F*** you to all of us do you think she has our best intentions in mind when she proposed this?

  15. Voter ID. Just like your driver's license, your Medicare card, your Social security card. All have a number assigned and that number is yours. Even debt has a number - credit cards. Cell phone numbers - why not voter ID number.

  16. When you vote for Democrats there is a Drop Box for those votes, I do a drop pretty much every morning after breakfast there. If the ballet is big sometimes it takes a couple of pulls on the lever.

  17. What about online voting? Secure logins... via SSN or something similar?

    Voting by mail is no good, too many variables and voting is too important. Every vote counts and every vote is precious.


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