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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Restaurants told to keep log of customer contact info after reopening in Phase 2

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- The state has given a glimpse into what eating at restaurants and taverns is going to look like once coronavirus restrictions are eased in your region.

Restaurants now have the set of requirements they will need to comply with the Gov. Inslee's 4-phase plan to reopen the state.

While most of the state is in Phase 1, which still prohibits in-seating dining, eight rural counties have been granted variances to advance to Phase 2 -- and test out the new restaurant model.



  1. Sorry but I would not want to eat someplace where I had to have my info entered into any kind of database, period!

  2. 9:07 and add that on top of the HB 6666 or what ever the bill name is where they can come take you out of your house against your will with force, in the name of contact tracing!!!! This all ties in!!!!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Inslee is definitely a Pedomarxist democrat following the advice of his party to take advantage of a crisis. It will be unlikely that he will relinquish these dictatorial powers after this artificial pandemic is finally exposed as a political fraud and even the most stupid democrat tires of the restrictions on their freedom. Trump 2020!

  4. Ya right! The only Log owners are interested in is if the "Log" plugged the toilet!

    1. Exactly, it sounds good in theory. They are not going to do this. They will get the people inside, get them drunk and spend their money. That and that alone is what they care aboit.

  5. So, are they demanding ID, or will we be allowed to "self verify" without requiring ID, like Peelosie is suggesting on voting?....I'm starting to feel a "microaggression" coming on Arrgggggg :) Anybody got a safe space I can crawl under?

  6. Tracking customers to see who they infect is great for lawsuits. Illegal surveillance without a warrant, and the other way, suing for getting infected by this customer that was exposed in that restaurant.

  7. In Florida - you can go to a restaurant and eat in peace. I have been out to eat (dine in) 4 times in 2 weeks. Everything is great. Go for it Maryland.

  8. Joe Biden heard about this and is now saving his Logs on the bathroom counter.


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