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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Why Shut Down? COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet If 80% Of Americans Just Wore Masks According To Study

Despite what the World Health Organization and Dr. Anthony Fauci tell you, a new study has concluded that if 80% of Americans were to wear a mask, COVID-19 infections would drop by more than 90%.

And as Vanity Fair notes, consider this;

The day before yesterday, 21 people died of COVID-19 in Japan. In the United States, 2,129 died. Comparing overall death rates for the two countries offers an even starker point of comparison with total U.S. deaths now at a staggering 76,032 and Japan’s fatalities at 577. Japan’s population is about 38% of the U.S., but even adjusting for population, the Japanese death rate is a mere 2% of America’s.

This comes despite Japan having no lockdown, still-active subways, and many businesses that have remained open—reportedly including karaoke bars, although Japanese citizens and industries are practicing social distancing where they can. Nor have the Japanese broadly embraced contact tracing, a practice by which health authorities identify someone who has been infected and then attempt to identify everyone that person might have interacted with—and potentially infected. So how does Japan do it?

So what is Japan doing differently?

"One reason is that nearly everyone there is wearing a mask," said UC Berkeley computer scientist De Kai, the chief architect of an in-depth joint study with Hong Kong University.

Kai's study suggests that every one of us should be wearing a mask - be it homemade, surgical, scarf or bandana, like the Japanese are doing along with other (mostly East Asian) countries.



  1. Even more if they turned off the news.

  2. So far, my one and a half month old mask is the most germ infested, filthiest thing I own, If I were able to buy a new one which used to cost ten bucks a box of 20 are now $3 each and do nothing to protect others have been found that rebreathing our own germs actually increases our odds of getting sick.

    It's time we open up everything. We have been in quarantine for 7 weeks which destroys our own immune systems, and we should expect a flu rise when we open, but cherish it to acquire herd immunity. Sure, we may experience a flue like symptom, like I did in Mid January, 100 degrees for 24 hours and feeling bad for 48, tested for seasonal flu negative, 66 years old, high blood pressure and high chlorestorol. Bang, I should be dead but I'm not.

    Folks, this needs to be OVER. Make phone calls to your Senators and Reprsantitives. Stop the BS!

    1. Please explain how rebreathing your own germs makes you sick.
      Also how can that be true and staying home hurts your immune system. Wouldn't rebreathing your own germs and getting sick keep your immune system working all the time? Stop just spewing stuff you've "seen" on the internet.

  3. Why are you wearing a 6 week old mask? Do you not have an old t-shirt you can wrap around your face?

    If you must reuse your mask, UV light kills Coronavirus by the way, just simply leave your mask on the dash of your car and a couple hours of sunlight will disinfect it.

    You're being ridiculous.

    1. Windshields block most ultraviolet light.

  4. I believe everything WHO says..... NOT! We already know the masks available to the general public really don't do much to stop virus particles...it's a feel good thing.

  5. 11:40. I agree with everything you said but a quarantine is for sick people. We are under a lockdown.

  6. If you stay indoors for weeks at a time your vitamin D levels will drop. Get a supplement or get some sun.

  7. I do not believe one thing that Dr. Fauci says! He is a liar and money grubber.

  8. Tell that to Ocean City Maryland !!!!!


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