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Saturday, May 09, 2020

A Key Obama Meeting Was Held to Ensure FBI Russia Collusion Probe Wasn't Discovered by the Trump Administration

I mean, we shouldn’t be too shocked about this I guess, given the scale of the anti-Trump operation executed by the Obama administration. Then-President Obama had to have known. If not, then he wasn’t in control of the executive. Katie touched upon this earlier this week, noting that new documents from the Department of Justice in their motion to dismiss their case against ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was the victim of an FBI plot to entrap him on perjury charges. Flynn has been vindicated, and more light is being shed on the scope of this whole operation.

The deep state does exist. They’re malicious. They’re ruthless. Just look at the mindset of Andrew McCabe and James Comey, who were determined to ensnare Flynn, department policy, and constitutional rights be damned. It’s chilling. And now we’re seeing how Obama was the starting quarterback for how to ensure the incoming Trump administration would be saddled with the Trump-Russia collusion allegations. It was coordinated chaos. Here’s what Katie wrote about what the new DOJ revealed regarding this angle:

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

"Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council," the document states.

"After the briefing, Obama dismissed the group but asked Yates and Comey to stay behind. Obama started by saying he had 'learned of the information about Flynn' and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions. Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information. At that point, Yates had no idea what the President was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can't recall if he specified there was an 'investigation,'" it continues.



  1. Wow - I felt all along that it started at the top. Yet, Obama has no shame. Still making trouble for President Trump. Obama was the worse President. I wanted to say worse American President but he is not an American. No pride in this country. All just so America could have the first Black President - no matter what. Look at what we got.

    1. A traitorous Muslim doing his damnedest to destroy this country for eight years, and he ain't done yet.

  2. President Trump has been right all along. It was all a hoax, and conspiracy to damage the outsider that they couldn't control. If this story is well publicized his campaign contributions will go through the roof, and Biden's rape allegations will be the least of his supporter's problems. I hate it when the President makes crazy offhanded comments, self promotes, and embarrasses himself but he has rarely been wrong on the important issues and he wasn't wrong about this. I know that he will never change the things I hate about him but he'll get my vote again and when he wins he can continue draining the swamp.

  3. If you had been paying attention to the facts you would have known this 3 years ago. The question is will anyone be brought to justice??

  4. Justice? Not likely. Court cases would drag on for years, Liberals whining and finger pointing the whole time. The congressional Democrats would spend all of those years doing nothing but obstructing and obfuscating while leading the MSM in an extension of this already too old pity party.


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