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Monday, May 11, 2020

What If The Crisis Is One Without End... Like George Orwell's Perpetual War

Notions of Freedom

We are living in strange times indeed, this crisis raises many questions about the nature of freedom and what our expectations are, or should be. Everyone has their own notions about what freedom means and how far that should extend to oneself and indeed, to everyone else.

I want to start with a look at where we’ve come from before I look at where we are now, as I feel it gives a better understanding of our definitions of freedom and a better context for viewing where we are, at this moment in time.

Society probably started with the tribe – maybe not even having a leader if the numbers where small enough, say 10 people. Tribes of scores or more obviously became hard to manage and so, undoubtedly, this led to the idea of a leader or a group of leaders – a chief, or a council of chiefs. Such a system seems to have worked well, so long as the chiefs acted in the best interest of the tribe, and not in their own best interest. Tribes and early kingdoms often had a mechanism for dealing with a poor leader – the symbolic marriage of the leader to the land and the right to depose, or even excute, a leader that failed to live up to expectations.

Such concepts of leadership are ancient but have survived in various places into the modern era, including Ireland where I live. Although the practice associated with this custom is long gone, knowledge of it remains vaguely in the public consciousness and more definitively in the realms of scholarship and Celtic Neo-Paganism. However, societies across the globe began to move beyond this cherished accountability millenia ago – with the rise of depsotic monarchy, something that still exists as an unfortunate anachronism even now.

As tribes grew into countries and countries grew into empires, monarchs became decreasingly accountable to their citizens, or rather subjects – those who are subjugated. While many monarchs felt an obligation, both ‘divine’ and moral to behave with care and responsibility, others acted in pure self interest, free of any accountability for their actions. With the backing a large army or, sizeable personal guard, it became increasing difficult to hold monarchs accountable and one had to rely on goodwill in most cases, rather than enforcement.



  1. It will shift into something else after Covid.Mass doses of vaccine must come quickly and be given to the world population ASAP before the virus can reconfigure to another more powerful strain.At this time the most profitable way out is where this is going.

  2. Nature has a way of getting rid of the sick or lame , it's our turn this year . We go threw this every 10 or 15 years. By by sickies !

    1. It is a bioweapon
      Not a natural virus
      Wake up and stop laughing about things you don’t understand. Grow up. Take responsibility and educate yourself.

  3. The worse virus we have ever seen is the democrats in this day and age , the infection is so bad it may destroy the world .

  4. It is not a natural virus
    Wake up
    It is a bioweapon

  5. The Demoncrats will always find something that they can use to gain power and push their socialist ways.

  6. There will always be a perpetual war as long as there is a 2 party system

  7. The crisis without end will be only if "We The People" let it. Take a stand people, call, e-mail, write your representatives. Be heard!

  8. Preemptive programming.
    The longer we are imprisoned in our own homes the quicker we'll be to comply with any government granted freedom and stipulations.
    There will be anarchy.

  9. 12:46 You sound like a real jerk. Maybe it will be bye bye for you!


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