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Monday, May 11, 2020

Cuomo touts New York's decline in hospitalizations, effectively reverses mandate linked to nursing-home deaths

With New York City's lockdown executive order set to expire on May 15, Gov. Andrew Cuomo celebrated a steep decline in hospitalizations and deaths due to the coronavirus during Sunday's daily briefing with reporters — even as he sought to address the state's sky-high nursing home death count, which came after a state directive mandating that nursing homes take on positive COVID-19 patients.

Cuomo said new hospitalizations were roughly where they were on March 20, when the “New York State on Pause” executive order locked down the state. And, the number of deaths in the state — just 203 on Saturday — was similar to where it was in late March, as well.

The numbers "take us right back to where we started this hellish journey," Cuomo said. "March 20 is when we did the close down order, and where we are today with the number of new cases is basically right where we were when we started."

"It's all thanks to what New Yorkers did," he added.



  1. What fool even constructively thinks of putting Wuhan Virus patients in nursing homes?

  2. 1:06. He knew exactly what he was doing. It was all about money and the democrats throw away people meaning elderly and black. They were put back in these Medicaid funded nursing homes so the CEO's could milk the government for more funds. At the time it was thought Covid could wipe out a large percentage of the residents so they had to suck off the government as long as they could.

  3. His legacy will be that he protected the beaches and turned his back on the nursing homes.

  4. What are countries big cities need to do is put Corona 19 people into the homeless camps to get rid of this blight on our nations cities! No one would miss them and the camps might disappear or at least get down to a manageable number.


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