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Monday, May 18, 2020

Trump Needs to Recruit a Medical ‘Red Team’ To Challenge Lockdown-Manic Governors

President Trump and governors’ coronavirus policy has remained captive to a singular, and quite possibly scientifically flawed, understanding of the epidemic.

President Trump and 50 governors now face a critical choice. Since March 16, 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment, and more than 83,000 American deaths have been attributed to the COVID-19 virus.

So what to do? How many more weeks, months, or even years should current sheltering-in-place orders continue? When can or should they be lifted?

The administration’s virus taskforce has recommended only a gradual lifting of stay-at-home orders and has established criteria for full re-opening that could take months to satisfy in many states. Yet Trump also insisted that even though “some people [will] be affected badly. . . and there will be more death,” “we have to get our country open and we have to get it open soon.”

Many in the media condemned this statement as “risking more death to save the economy” and a dangerous repudiation of “the science.” Blue-state governors who have refused to reopen have similarly cited “the science” to justify their decisions to extend stay-at-home orders.



  1. Keep that Govt $$$$ coming to Americans & quit trying to force them
    Out of their homes to run all over the place , after YOU the Govt ordered
    them Home !!!
    It is way too soon to return back to normal & Govt just wants to stop
    paying up & living up to their obligations to Americans !!!!

    Ignoring the DOCTORS orders makes Govt Liable for it's actions !!!!

    Maryland STILL has not Paid us the Unemployment they OWE us , so
    Don't Dare Complain about us getting PAID !!!

    1. It's already been shown that the numbers of coronavirus deaths has been elevated by at least 25% by CDC. Yes, it's tragic that we lost ANY lives to this, but tens of millions of lives have been ruined, or are on the verge due to overreaching by government. Let's put on our big boy pants and open back up before it's too late.

  2. Democratic economic plan?

  3. I got so many pictures this weekend of people not wearing a mask and not social distancing on board walk. I’m slowly shaming them. I’m saving lives. I’m rich, I’m smart and I’m successful and not bad looking.

  4. 6:44, Hi, Karen. Nice to hear from you. Goodbye, now!


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