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Monday, May 18, 2020

OK, What's The Big Deal Here? "It's Time"


  1. It's not "ONLY" about the survival rates....

    The people that survived may have needed hospital beds and equipment to facilitate their survival.

    If there are more positive victims than there are beds and equipment to treat with, there will be a lower survival rate.

    If you think that you can catch the bug and recover at home - get yourself sick - but if you infect someone and they succumb, you could be held accountable...it's not all about you and your rights...your rights end when you infringe upon mine!

    1. "your rights end when you infringe upon mine!"

      So what gives you the "right" to confine everybody else just to appease your personal beliefs?

  2. This isn't even real data.....but you idiots will go on debating these numbers

  3. At 4:49 PM
    ""If there are more positive victims than there are beds and equipment to treat with, there will be a lower survival rate.""

    Welcome to reality, that is not happening Chicken Little.

  4. 449 good for you. Now stay home so you do not infect others with that mindset!

    Its not right or wrong, but your attempt to impact others with what YOU think disqualifies you from our game.

    Try again next time!!!

  5. The thing that amazes me is the fact that nobody takes into account that these low death percentages are the result of stay at home orders. Does anyone actually believe that all the restrictions on us were not effective in keeping it under control? I do agree that it is time to open things up,but some of the stuff I hear out there is just plain nuts. Especially the people that say it's all made up.

  6. 4:49 Get out of here with that bs. Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus. No amount of hand washing and masks will stop it. You will never be able to prove where you got exposed. Your “held accountable” statement is scarier than the corona virus.

  7. Actually it is about our rights. Before you know it we wont have any because people like you agree to let the government take them away "temporarily" and they never give them back. Then we will look like Cuba or Venezuela.

  8. I believe we were told if we had the virsus symptoms to stay home. Not to go to your doctor or emergency room. Not because they didn't have beds - because they didn't want you to spread it.

  9. To 5:51, you are wrong. The death rates are the percentage of those actually infected. Not a percentage of the general population.

    1. So the percentages would be even lower if they represented the country's whole population.

  10. Because we took precautions.

  11. Stay the hell home then 4:49! You can't stop this, everyone will get it. You can't hold people accountable when people are asymptomatic or have gotten it and did not even know. You also can't live in a bubble or force other people to. Surrender your rights if you feel it serves you better, that is YOUR choice!


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