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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"This Was Some Shady Stuff": Treasury Department Spied On Flynn, Manafort And Trump Family

The US Treasury Department was regularly spying on Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Paul Manafort Jr., senior staffers on the 2016 Trump campaign, members of the Trump family, and congressional lawmakers, according to The Tennessee Star's Neil W. McCabe.

"I started seeing things that were not correct, so I did my own little investigation, because I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was correct," a former senior Treasury Department official and veteran of the intelligence community told McCabe. "You never want to draw attention to something if there is not anything there," she added.

The whistleblower said she only saw metadata, that is names and dates when the general’s financial records were accessed. “I never saw what they saw.”

By March 2016, the whistleblower said she and a colleague, who was detailed to Treasury from the intelligence community, became convinced that the surveillance of Flynn was not tied to legitimate criminal or national security concerns, but was straight-up political surveillance among other illegal activity occurring at Treasury.

“When I showed it to her, what she said, ‘Oh, sh%t!’ and I knew right then and there that I was right – this was some shady stuff,” the whistleblower said.

“It wasn’t just him,” the whistleblower said. “They were targeting other U.S. citizens, as well.” -The Tennessee Star



  1. Rules without consequence is only advise. When will there be consequences for violating our rights?
    They need to be accountable for their reasons why they did these things, every person in every chain of command who ignored a complaint or violation should be prosecuted!
    Using bureaucracy and red tape to befuddle the truth seems to be the path they take to shed any blame for infringement of Constitutional Rights.
    We the people are rendered powerless, this is what we call Tyranny!

  2. get out the popcorn - will be interesting to watch this

  3. Lock them all up now.

  4. Nothing will happen unless Trump gets another 4 years.
    And probably nobody will ever go to jail.
    The Government have their own elite system.

  5. If you look at the list of people who requested unmasking of Gen Flynn you will see most 9f them worked for the Treasury Department. When I first saw that I wondered why. Now I know. Just incredible.

  6. So much for the "peaceful and orderly transfer of power" to an incoming, duly elected administration. One black president has totally upended any semblance of rule of law or respect for the office of the presidency. 43 before him, and Obama screws it all up. Then again, one could argue that nothing less was expected by many of us since the day he was inaugurated.


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