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Friday, May 01, 2020

Socialism 101


  1. Call to complain. 410-313-6300. The health officers name is Maura Rossman.


  2. Or you can call your local office of the Stasi, Gestapo, KGB or another secret police variant of your choice to report on your neighbor. Big Brother thinks you're special.

  3. High Desert DawgMay 1, 2020 at 4:14 PM

    SNITCHES GET STITCHES....just saying

  4. I hope ALL the Dems in NY and California RAT ON EACH OTHER 😁

  5. Why do people always look a gift horse in the mouth. Reporting people who are most likely democrud voters is anticlimactic. When I was a kid you learned to eat dirt, get immunity, and live a long time. I'm still around today to much the chagrin to pussy democruds. I am here to haunt them for many years to come and truly look forward to it. When my time is here, so be it. At least I don't have cracked skin from the hourly alcohol bodily rubdowns to eliminate every foreign body on my body. What is amazing is that these are the same nitwits who go to a doctor and find they have a viral infection and then still demand an antibiotic---AND THE DOCTOR gives it to them to shut them up. (maybe doctors really do recognize a means to stop the inbreeding) THEN, the dimwits only take it for less than the prescribed time frame because they start feeling better which creates a bacteria that has developed its own immunity to the drug. Why the hell do we keep frustrating Darwin from doing his job. Oh, I forgot, they are the democrud voters of today and tomorrow. The democruds need all the flotsam and jetsam of human DNA that they can get to win the vote. Dead or Alive---it don't matter one bit. Wake the F' Up People. The democruds and liberals will get you killed. Take control of your life from these true dimwitted nitwits. Pelosi, Abrams, Biden, Obama, Larry Hogan, just to name a few of many hundreds of thousands.

  6. NWO- Trump needed TO GO..
    Believe me yet..democrats china swamp decided they did nt really need hillary .THIS intentional release is all they needed to take up another knotch on the rope around our necks

  7. 4:14 not they don't becasue you morons are just all talk...

  8. Freedom is GONE 2020 in America !!! The day has Finally Come !!!


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