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Friday, May 01, 2020

Biden's assault accuser says no networks except Fox have asked her on

Tara Reade, the woman who accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993 when she was a Senate aide, said in an interview this week that no television network except Fox has invited her on to speak.

Reade spoke Wednesday with The New York Times' media columnist Ben Smith and said that the major networks 'are not offering to put me on TV - they're just doing stories. No anchors, no nothing like that.'

She told Smith she was trying to avoid being branded as a partisan. 'I've been trying to just kind of wait to get someone in the middle. I don't want to be pigeonholed as a progressive, I don't want to be pigeonholed as a Trump supporter.'



  1. Look lets just get this straight. Victims should be supported and given full opportunity to have their story heard and investigated. Just to be clear though, if you wait 25 years to go to the police, dont expect there to be much evidence for the police to investigate nor have much interest in chasing down a case where they cannot get formal legal consequnces for the assailant, nor gather enough facts to vindicate the victims claims

  2. I get that 3:54 PM. However, Democrats demanded an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh, and we are only supposed to take Biden’s word for it? WTF!!!!!!

  3. Only Fox & even better OAN are the Real News !! The rest are Democrat
    FAKE NEWS !!! FACT Alot like Nazi Germany WW2 controlled by

    Gerbles (Our Pelosi ) !!!! Deep State controls America News !!!


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