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Saturday, May 09, 2020

SBY MSP Traffic Enforcement


  1. These fools are Itching too get out and Hammer drivers cough cough cough.

    1. Pull me over I will have the Worst cough EVER.

  2. This is just ignorant on so many levels. Just so stupid!

  3. They should be hammering drivers who break the law .Maybe they need to spend two months in this area rather than 2 days. That's what they get paid to do .

  4. 95 in a 55, two warrants and a drug arrest.....sounds like some needed to be hammered!

  5. There's much less traffic on the road due to " shelter at home", even insurance companies are giving refunds... so this is the time for a special crash reduction enforcement? No... ticket revenue is way down, and the state has to pay for all the freebies they are doling out.

  6. More than 1,250,000 people die in the U.S. from traffic accidents every year .
    Corona virus has nothing on these stats , Most police are not fools but people like you 12:07 are fools . Take your meds and relax idiot .

    1. In 2019, 38,800 people in the USA died from traffic crashes...did you get your number from CNN ???

    2. Actually, the average is about 37,000 deaths per year according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. You're not even remotely close. Should have taken 30 seconds to do some research before coming here to call someone an idiot, idiot.

  7. Oceancitylive cams site is very slow today.

    I do see that Thrashers is open...bout 10 people in line 5/9/20 at 1:05pm.

    CHA CHA CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CHING RICKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I've never understood individuals or organizations that release a statement proclaiming they did the job that they are compensated for. Congratulations, I guess.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️
      Self hand tapping on the back.

  9. Ah haaaaa...thrashers has the line wrapped around going towards the parking lot. I see what they did there....can't see it on the webcam....but we have others providing pictures......social Distancing my arse!

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks big time in this town.

  10. Initiative to get more revenue

    1. Open the state for business and there will be plenty of revenue through income taxes.

  11. Brilliant. Have to make the state money after the total losses of it's populous. What a fantastic idea. Fine people who are unemployed during a crisis. Idiots.

  12. Thank you police for stopping law breakers. Hope they all get fined and some jail time

  13. why cant they go up to wal mart north and give tickets to the fat lazy bastards that sit in the fire lanes smoking their cigs and blowing it in our faces

  14. YAWN!! Ho! Hum!

  15. so how many out of state drivers did they stop to see why they are here? didn't think so! f off barney!

    1. None 505,Because the popo knows it's unconstitutional

  16. They should be ticketing speeders. Speeding can cause deadly accidents and the police are trying to protect the drivers who are obeying the law. Do you you think you are so big and bad because you drive fast and unsafe?

    1. SHORE BILLY with a 4X4 diesel TruckMay 9, 2020 at 6:27 PM

      just get out of my way 510...

      The road is meant for the best drivers... stay home or call a cab

      dont do 65 in the fast lane...
      I MOW you over...

    2. I got one also 6:27. Let's roll some smoke on them slow pokes. 7.3 with chip and 4 inch exhaust, no cat!!

    3. 9:04.....all that and a 2 inch penis. You must be so proud.

    4. Hey 9:41 Ask your wife about that 2 inches LOL

  17. Maybe if King Larry would open the state up and let people live their lives. Then maybe the State Police wouldn’t being doing press releases for doing their job. Instead we have a governor who is in bed with the democratic party, and “local leaders” who aren’t doing anything to stop him. OPEN MARYLAND

  18. Put on my cowboy hat write ticket. Put on my cowboy hat write ticket. Put on my cowboy hat write ticket. Exciting police job.

  19. If the road were meant for the best drivers, the DMV wouldn't give pass or fail to get a license. They would grade you and only let those with 90% or above drive.
    The way you disregard the speed limit, you are not a "best driver."

  20. May 9, 2020 at 9:41 PM:

    I have to ask, just how do YOU know about 9:04's penis? Been down there, have you?


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