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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Bring Mom To Caribbean Joe's Mask-A-Raid Day Sunday

We will swing my doors at noon to provide a day of fun while creating a healthy environment for everyone to enjoy carry out food, (burgers) and carry out liquor. I am setting up multiple picnic tables outside for proper social distancing should you choose to stick around and enjoy the band Trailer Park Romeo. Get out of the house, bring a mask, (if you so choose) and reunite with old friends, it's been entirely too long.

Ask about our new engineering plans for our immediate future. 

We want to create the perfect COVID-19 friendly bar/restaurant in which we will hopefully have THREE outdoor bars. Until this whole pandemic is over I will close the inside bar this summer as it will be far too tight inside for safe distancing.

We've been thinking out of the box and even though times are tight we want to face this unfortunate situation head on responsibly. 

So come visit Dawn the Bartender tomorrow and show Mom a fun day, (for once) at Caribbean Joe's. Ice Cold carry out beer, just like it used to be. See You There!!!

I'll add, it's important all of you understand how things work in Worcester County. I'm hearing about people being able to go to local bars and buying a margarita or an orange crush as a carry out drink, this is ILLEGAL. ALL carry out liquor has to be in a factory sealed container. It should also be known that in Worcester County, just because Hogan said we can do carry out during these crazy times DOES NOT mean you can actually do so in Worcester County. We had to file/apply for a temporary carry out license and get approved by the liquor board. What we are doing is perfectly legal. 


  1. Yes! So glad you’re opening.

  2. Your timing couldn't be more perfect.

  3. Good for you .

  4. Was this because you waited for Hogan to ease restrictions ?

  5. God bless you!!!

  6. Love it! As a side note I was in NYC a few days ago. E 63rd St near Macado cigars. Don't worry I came in contact with no one but anyway I saw several people trying to sell "designer" masks on the streets. They had Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton.

  7. Joe,
    Good luck tommorow on re opening and standing your ground.

  8. I do know that the state made it legal for carry out cocktails earlier this year when they closed restaurants as a way to help with sales. So all restaurants have been doing it. They have to have a lid and cannot be consumed in public. La Tolteca sold their margueritas in gallon jugs and sold out of tequila in one day a few weeks ago.

    1. The allowed it with the county’s consent. Worcester Co did not approve it

  9. That is a very ambitious expansion against present odds. That's what we need forward thinking optimism right now people willing to gamble with good faith.

  10. Applaud your efforts. But I'd never go near a rest. to eat out. Never again a movie theatre unless it's maybe a drive in. Forget sports completely.
    All dependent on a vaccination.
    Otherwise, Only absolute necessities.

    1. Stay in mom's basement fool.

    2. 😭😢😹😢😿

    3. Did you feel the same way when it is cold and flu season? Just as contagious and the flu will kill certain populations. Get out of the basement and live and develop the immunity and stop eating Cheetos and drinking soda.

    4. So your life is over 11:38. Why even bother to survive? Just starve yourself to death and make room for us survivors.

    5. How is somebody a fool for being cautious?? You have your choice, they have theirs. Why be a dick about it? I’m guessing no life of your own, you have to pick with others��‍♀️

  11. Well good for you to coming around to open for carryout.

  12. 11:20, all alcohol sales must be in a factory sealed container. Granted, some liquor boards are ignoring this but we will NOT break the law, We are operating within their instructions while other bars are not and they are getting caught. No different then the liquor board in Worcester County demanding you must apply for a carry out license, period. Some bars have NOT done this process because they are confused by what the Governor said.

    1. Why won't other bares follow your lead and Open Up ?

    2. Open it up. Covid for all!

  13. Why isn't the other OC Bar owners doing this ? 😽


  15. Sounds like 11:38AM Drank the Kool Aid. Wonder if you are the person who drives down the highway wearing a mask and staying six feet away from a car?

    1. Yes, and? That is my choice, you have yours.

  16. Maybe Hogan will figure it out and just back off all bars and restaurants inoculate and west or need to follow

  17. Good for you!! So happy to hear and very creative!! Will be stopping by.

  18. Ok. That’s why I see the drink in a cup includes the unopened little bottles. On the side. Silly me.

  19. We stopped by and noticed no customers were there, only a few employees! We were so disappointed and heard the Governor shut you down due to current COVID rules. There is a huge difference between the 50 people standing in line in front of Thrashers on the boardwalk (NOT social distancing OR gathering of 10 or less) versus your outdoor picnic tables that are far apart for carry-out dining accompanied by music????????


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