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Sunday, May 24, 2020


Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce NEXT STEP, a multi-faceted plan to provide immediate relief for citizens affected by the COVID-19 crisis, as well as protection and assistance for at-risk residents, and help for small businesses transitioning from crisis management to recovery.
“In collaboration and cooperation with the Salisbury City Council, Next Step ensures that no one is forgotten in the recovery process. The truth is that this crisis has affected different sectors and different populations unevenly – not just from a health perspective, but economically as well,” said the Mayor. “NEXT STEP is an omnibus package of measures which will provide relief and protection for our citizens now, and establish longer-term solutions to some of the new challenges we face as we try to get the economy back on track.”
Comprised of 12 individual initiatives, NEXT STEP uses the allocation and distribution of grant funds, legislative action, and executive action to match the appropriate relief to the need at-hand. First responders, renters, small business owners, vulnerable populations, workers, non-native-English speakers, taxpayers, rate payers, restaurateurs, frontline workers, and worshippers are identified for relief and help based upon needs specific to each group.
Relief for First Responders
· Permanent 100% City Property Tax Credit for City of Salisbury First Responders (Volunteer Firefighters, Career Firefighters and Police Officers)
Relief for Renters
· $105,000 for rental assistance for those whose wages have been affected
· Order outlawing rent increases during the state of emergency
· Order requiring refund of any rent increase that has been charged since the start of the state of emergency
· Order requiring every landlord to distribute within 5 days to every renter a Letter from the City on the renter’s right to remain in their housing unit until a court order removes them
Relief for Small Business Owners
· $87,000 for acrylic barriers available for small business and the City, made locally by M4 Reactor


  1. A landlord is a small business owner too. Why single them out as a bad guy?

    1. They are so far down the food chain. When we lost our job. When we needed things fixed or replaced. They didn't give a Damn. Even with the laws saying they had to fix it. They didn't. SUFFER. Welcome to the club. Maybe they will get a heartbeat if they suffer a bit.

  2. Heard the idiots interview " if you aren't sure of what you need or you just want it" get in touch with the city. PERMANENT 100% tax credit for firefighters and police?? UNBELIEVABLE

    1. Yes what the heck? Aren’t they working so they ARE able to pay? Let’s just give money to people to reward them. Never mind the people who were ordered not to go to work. Totally twisted.

  3. Heard the idiots interview " if you aren't sure of what you need or you just want it" get in touch with the city. PERMANENT 100% tax credit for firefighters and police?? UNBELIEVABLE

    1. Just sold my house. So glad I'm out if this SHITHOLE. More TAXES coming your way. Let's see the liberals in Salisbury like that.

  4. "Order outlawing rent increases during the state of emergency

    · Order requiring refund of any rent increase that has been charged since the start of the state of emergency"

    Absolutely Unconstitutional!

    1. As much as I would like it to be 5:19 it’s legal if the City Council makes it law. The new rulings coming down from the courts are you can’t put civil or criminal penalties on a executive order as the legislature needs to be involved and pass that to ensure the people have representation. With that council they will fast track and pass it.

  5. So pretty much nothing. Word salad

  6. Actually this looks pretty good is coming from Community Block Grant? I would include Vets on the Property Tax Credit, just saying.

    1. Zero raised rent
      Maybe two cops own and live in the city
      Fire fighters maybe 10?
      Why not nurses ?
      Why not doctors?
      Walmart employees?
      Food lion

      He cherry picked for the best press but least amount of actual help...

    2. This people are already making the money. It is the cahiers and min wage earners at these groceries stores and fast food places that could use the help. How about we just give it to everyone. Make it free. Free for all. And we can get our steaks off trees. It's such crap. I am not sure why everyone thinks the landlords are rich. Not all landlords are loaded and alot have mortgages to pay.

  7. OOOH an Omnibus package. Jake just put on a tighter thong and is dancing in front of a side show mirror. Distorting himself ever more.

  8. Any discounts for 🌈 at the Brickroom where Jake likes to chill at πŸ‘¬

  9. The restaurant part doesn’t make sense when you read it! Needs to be explained better

  10. Boy must have big deep pockets. He would make a good politician if he knew how to carry himself. Not jumping in front of cameras would be a good start. Lol

  11. Why are certain employees having their taxes forgiven for doing the jobs they signed up for?
    Jake is out of control.

  12. How much will the permanent tax credit be annually? Will this create a tax increase on other property owners? How much?

  13. Day is going to need serious financial bailing out when this is over.


  14. Thats their pay back for supporting him during his campaign.

    Think I am kidding? I am not.

  15. Why all the free stuff to poor people. Are they not receiving food stamps to buy their soap, disinfectants. What has changed that the monthly free check can't cover???

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Heard the idiots interview " if you aren't sure of what you need or you just want it" get in touch with the city. PERMANENT 100% tax credit for firefighters and police?? UNBELIEVABLE

    May 19, 2020 at 5:15 PM

    "PERMANENT 100% tax credit for firefighters and police??"

    WTF are you talking about?

    1. Permanent 100% City Property Tax Credit for City of Salisbury First Responders (Volunteer Firefighters, Career Firefighters and Police Officers) s8 from the article what don't you comprehend??

  17. Anonymous said...
    "Order outlawing rent increases during the state of emergency

    · Order requiring refund of any rent increase that has been charged since the start of the state of emergency"

    Absolutely Unconstitutional!

    May 19, 2020 at 5:19 PM

    Yeah, Jake Day's butt buddy John Cannon is not happy about that!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  18. Anonymous said...
    Any discounts for 🌈 at the Brickroom where Jake likes to chill at πŸ‘¬

    May 19, 2020 at 6:17 PM

    Bwahahahahahahaha! Will they be bringing back Homo Night and having guest DJ's like when Jimbeau was the Mare. I think Gay Day would be a great Homo DJ at da Brick Room.

  19. Anonymous said...
    The restaurant part doesn’t make sense when you read it! Needs to be explained better

    May 19, 2020 at 6:40 PM

    I agree, but we are talking about Jake Day.

  20. Anonymous said...

    Thats their pay back for supporting him during his campaign.

    Think I am kidding? I am not.

    May 19, 2020 at 10:03 PM

    Yep, you are 100% correct. Political paybacks. Ask Culver.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Why all the free stuff to poor people. Are they not receiving food stamps to buy their soap, disinfectants. What has changed that the monthly free check can't cover???

    May 19, 2020 at 10:22 PM

    Excellent point. Why not give the middle class a break for once. We are the ones paying these damn taxes with the sweat off our backs.

  22. Who authorized how these grants could be spent?

  23. It’s the let’s reward ourselves plan.

  24. 5:08 Give landlords breaks they’ve been getting breaks from Jake for going into 5 years now, did you just wake up? The slum lords of this city are why it looks like it does. Houses that were foreclosed on and have as many as 4 2nd mortgages are reopened up for the same landlords to rent again. And they collect and use as tax write offs. They also sit on the city council.

  25. Jake day is doing for Salisbury Police/firefighters what bill McCain wants/is going to do for the teachers

  26. "And anal plugs for all! Kids welcome! There will be trans readers and trans jugglers and trans balloon-animals!"

    *sigh* This guy is horrible.

  27. Once again Jake Day rehearsing doing press releases for a stupid ass attempt at a run on Annapolis. If you dig a little deeper it amounts to a whole lot of nothing. His butt buddies like Brian Records are one of the few that will benefit. Very few of the firefighters and Police choose to own homes within Salisbury City limits, who would want to

  28. Jake I hate to burst your bubble but your crooked ass father is only an EMPLOYEE of Perdue farms. You spoiled ass acts like he owns the company and will carry some weight for your frivalous attempt at a political career. If you were one of Jim Perdue's boys I'd say you had a shot but ALL your past career failures and this cluster**** you've created in Salisbury won't bode well for you. Jake do yourself a favor and just go away. One would think you'd be embarrassed by all the mistakes and failure but you're an embarrassing the city and it's citizens now

  29. Jake do yourself and the rest of us a favor and stop listening to the idiot Mike Dunn and your pathetic little rainbow coilition telling you how great you are and you're doing a good job. You've mad yourself look like a dumbass and very incompetent as a leader

  30. Permanent Tax Credit? Does that mean FOREVER? If so, no doubt he IS crazy!


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