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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Grown Ups?

From diapers to Depends. It just amazes me what our government is forcing some to do. I promise, we won't do this to you. We will treat you like adults and allow you your dignity. Hopefully we'll see you at Caribbean Joe's this weekend UNLESS stuff like this is what government demands. 


  1. This is what Fish Tales must have spent a small fortune on for a promotional events company in Baltimore to come up with?

    1. 10 seconds of fame!!

    2. 10 seconds of fame!! I would think only drunk kids would like something like this.

    3. And you would be thinking correctly. Donna Harmon couldn't pay me to get in one the those adult walkers.

  2. i think its a great idea thinking outside of the box

  3. This makes sense all these people covid 19 supporters have been saying.."wah wah open up" for weeks now..just include diapers for them as well...goes well with their entitlement

  4. Maryland's newest party, The Working Class Party will fix all this. Foh real!

  5. NO Masks for many at Fishtales means tables were a WAIST OF $$$ !!!

    1. Yeah...they were a WASTE of money too.


  6. Just listened to the County Exec on Long Island (not sure which one) announce that tennis courts are open again but you have to bring your own tube of balls; same for your opponent unless they are a family member. According to her you can only touch the ones you brought. How unrealistic!!

    Guess when baseball reopens pitchers can throw the spitter under the pretense they're just coating it with sanitizer.

    Nurse Ratched is looking for many of our elected officials!

  7. Clever and fun! I'd go. They are making the best of a terrible situation with some humor. Bravo for them!

  8. Was just featured on The Five! Yayy Ocean City MD!

  9. It's kinda cute, cuz it'll keep you standing even if you over-drink!

  10. Keeps them in business...it was a family member that does event planning that came up with the inner tubes!! I think it’s kinda neat if you have the interior room to move about!!

  11. Funny but stupid.
    Fishtales had a lot of people on the docks and in boats with take out. Then the camera angle was changed from the dock to the sky. Wonder why?


  12. They're gonna need to guzzle like fishes to meet the overhead if they can only handle 8 customers at a time. Must be interesting installing customers, and even more so getting them out after they've had a few...while keeping distance. And then sanitizing between customers.

    Cute PR moment but destined for the scrap heap, based on TV snippet of them in action.

  13. Gosh that’s stupid. Making fools of patrons.

  14. Well what is Fager and Leighton gonna pull out to grab their $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  15. This is being reported on TMZ!

  16. Though its quite funny, its PATHETIC! Its just laughing at your own surrender and desperation...

  17. Too bad Hogan is to broad (fat) to use one. 😂😂😂

  18. Bunch of Truck tubes, Big Deal !!!

  19. We are anxiously waiting to go to Joe’s to drink some cold beer and eat some big ass hamburgers!!! A great business and a true patriot we love Caribbean Joe’s!!

  20. This won't work at Secrets !!! 6,000 + people !!!!

    1. The days of 6,000 people at Seacrets are OVER for the foreseeable future. It may return eventually. But...not this season.

  21. Where do you put your table when you go to the bathroom?

  22. I guess we'll see how far drunks and partyers are willing to go for their need to drink at a bar.

  23. May 19, 2020 at 10:18 AM:

    And yet I'm sure you would have no problem climbing in a inner tube at the pool or in the bay. What's the difference?

  24. get rid of the tables and put a seat in the tube, everyone into the water!

  25. They could use those in Congress !!!!


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