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Friday, May 08, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Floats Theory That Coronavirus Deaths Are Being Inflated to Push an Agenda

Conservative talk-radio host and recent Presidential Medal of Freedom honoreeRush Limbaugh on Thursday floated the theory that deaths from coronavirus have been inflated so that governments could further “the policies they have put in place.”

Citing the latest record-breaking unemployment claims numbers at the top of his radio show, Limbaugh groused that the 10 million jobless claims filed over the past two weeks aren’t “enough for people like Bill Gates” and others who “want to shut down the entire country.”

After referencing recent White House modeling projecting between 100,000 and 240,000 U.S. deaths if the country adheres to current social-distancing guidelines, the right-wing talker then cited an article written by a pathologist to bolster the claim that governments could be fudging their numbers.

“Now, folks, don’t misunderstand, look, I’m not trying to stir anything up here,” Limbaugh insisted. “There’s all kinds of people speculating about things out there. I’m just giving you facts.”



  1. Rush indeed stirring the pot. Not what the nation needs right now - yet puts him back on the front page.

    Always can count on those entertainers!!!!

  2. Rush is following the public on this one.
    We have been thinking that since it began.
    Never in history have well people been quarantined

  3. Couple of things. This article is a month old... dated April 2nd.

    Second, he admits it's speculation and an interesting idea... but offers no evidence of it.

    Third, it's absurd. Who and how does it benefit to inflate the numbers.

    Lastly, TRUMP is head of the government. I don't see him inflating the numbers... it only serves to hurt his re-election bid.

    This is sensationalism to stir the pot, and it is definitely not what this nation needs right now. We need calm and levelheaded thinking, AND different solutions for different areas... not off the America is the same.

    OH, @ May 8, 2020 at 7:35 AM Quarantine absolutely happened. It happened during the Spanish Flu.

  4. 7:52 please do not take this as an endorsement of Rush or most of the things he says. In regards to your questions of "Who and how does it benefit", it benefits healthcare providers. The more additional beds they can secure during the state of emergency the more funding they will be able to secure through medicare/medicaid. The moral covid deaths they have on record the more money they can get to combat it. The nurses are 100% in it for the right reason, the Administrators on the other hand have a bottom line to secure and won't miss out on an opportunity to capitalize.

  5. More people chiming in to get their five minutes of limelight during coronatime. Interestingly though countries like Hungary are no longer a democracy. Combined with overreaching government policies put in place under the guise of pandemic management along with increasing Chinese and Russian influence, a dictatorship is being established before our very eyes.

  6. How many have died from the flu this year?

  7. Rush is right.

    @752a - They did not quarantine the HEALTHY people in 1918.

  8. 1

    How does that sound 830?

    Your question has been asked more times than you our I have been alive.

    Move along tadpole. One day you will become a frog!

  9. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 9:06 AM

    Ahhh, RUSH, I'm a big fan of your show, and your name is the same as my all time favorite band, buuut, PLEASE tell me, you're NOT just Now realizing the obvious?? The media, and the vast majority of elected officials have MOST OBVIOUSLY, DEFINITLY, ABSOLUTLY been using this to push an AGENDA!

  10. @ May 8, 2020 at 8:13 AM

    Hospitals are laying people off because they can't do other work right now. This isn't profitable for them.

    Hospitals are a for profit business. This isn't making them money. If Covid wasn't a concern, then other hospital profit generating operations would not be shut down. ESPECIALLY since everyone is so intent on getting back out into the public, they know cases are going to spike.

    It's not some crazy conspiracy.

    Let me ask you, how long does it take to become a doctor, hmm? How much schooling does that take? How many years of your life invested... how much money in student loans? You think someone is going to put their career on the line to fudge a number so their employer makes a little more money?

    The logic here simply just does not follow.

  11. @ May 8, 2020 at 8:30 AM

    According to CDC data, since October of 2019 to April 4th, this they consider "flu season", the estimates of flu deaths range from 24,000 to 62,000. The number infected is at 39-56 million. This is a span of 5-6 months.

    Compare that to Covid-19, the first death happening at the end of February 2020 to today, the deaths are almost 77,000. The number infected is just under 1.3 million. This is in just over 2-1/2 months.

    These illnesses are not even remotely in the same ball park.

    1. Finally, someone adds something sensible to this blog other than bickering.

    2. So perhaps the $13,000 incentive check for naming an illness COVID has inflated the numbers?

      What about the $39,000 incentive check to place a person on intubation devices?

      There are many ways to get the numbers the government wants us to see. Especially when they can PRINT currency from thin air.

    3. Ok, since we're going THERE, WHY isnt everyone freaking over cancer? 606,000 deaths expected in 2020 alone...and cancer isnt even contagious! 1 year...606,000 deaths! No virus for it! Most mortality issues with the virus have been due to pre existing conditions...Nog cancer...it hyst KILLS! PERIOD! THE END! We don't see anybody locking is in our homes, why no PANDEMIC for cancer? Ya wanna know? Cuz they can't use cancer to help their AGENDA. For Christ's sake, theres already been 5 Elected officials saying PUBLICLY hoe this is a great opportunity to move forward "their" visions! Wake up sheeple!

  12. 8:59
    "Your question has been asked more times than you our I have been alive".
    Translation please?

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Please don’t be fooled by the claimed number of deaths from the Whu Flu. It is now well known that almost every death in recent months has been blamed on Whu Flu when most have actually resulted from pre-existing causes. For example, if you went to a hospital to have symptoms of a bad cold treated and you die from a cancer or heart disease that you had previously been treated for, your death would be registered in the Whu Flu column. The gullible and naive have been seriously mislead and deceived in this attempt to control us and dispose of our constitutional rights that Marxist politicians find to be inconvenient to their agenda. This may have been a test just to see how far they could push their agenda. A practice run if you will, like shutting down gun sales and closing gun stores as well as restricting us to confinement and preparing us for long lines and waiting to get into grocery stores. We are having a taste of Venezuelan socialism and although it is not quite the same, you are being prepped for it. Be alert and skeptical of your political overlords.

  14. 7:52 While I doubt the numbers are being inflated it would certainly be a benefit to do so. Not only with the free things like PPE hospitals would get and other supplies but also because hospitals lost almost all revenue with this pandemic. Having more Coronavirus patients would be the only way for revenue and guarantee revenue with no questions asked by insurance companies Medicare and Medicaid.

  15. And perhaps Democrats want this to drag on; until November 2020. So if people stop dying they have to do something to keep the whole thing going and the country shut down, not only to ruin Trump's unemployment numbers and economy, but also to allow for "mail in voting" because they know Joe Biden doesn't have a chance against Donald Trump. That is why and how someone would manipulate the numbers. Just claim ALL deaths are due to coronavirus. The additional amount they are paid for claiming them as Covid patients to Medicare is just a bonus.

  16. 11:29 There is no "incentive" or extra money for diagnosis a Covid patient. The doctors words were twisted. What he was saying before his words were bastardized was those figures generally square with estimated Medicare payments for COVID-19 hospitalizations, based on average Medicare payments for patients with similar diagnoses.
    If hospitals were actually looking to make more money they wouldn't be so quick to diagnose covid. They would hold off and order others tests and diagnostics.

  17. PLEASE look up what "anecdotal evidence" people.

    Using "anecdotal evidence" to point to some large widespread conspiracy of fraud is not good skeptical thinking.

    The kind of widespread fraud you are suggesting would be EASY to expose and the evidence would be irrefutable. Does anyone have anything like that?

  18. @108 Constantly parroting a narrative of "unless the government offers you concrete evidence of their own guilt then you are not being intelligent and/or conspiratorial" is idiotic. I bet you still think two aluminum and plastic aircraft knocked down 3 steel reinforced concrete towers in under and hour too eh?

  19. I've been saying that all along. The democrats heard about this and ell all over themselves in trying to find a way to blame Trump for it. They thought, "Impeachment didn't work, maybe this will".


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