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Friday, May 08, 2020



  1. Another great truth teller that will be attacked by the yellow bellied crazy's that fell for this hoax.

  2. I don’t trust what anyone says about COVID 19. Not the government, Dr Fauci, or this nurse. We’ll find out the truth eventually, but right now we live off anecdotes.

    1. I agree how can we believe or trust anyone at this point..ill do what I think is best for my family...I'm staying away from people until I know more...just too many unknowns yet...the way I see it is you do you and ill do me thank you

  3. She's going to be fired. Or even worse, become a ", friend" of the Clinton's. Uh oh

  4. 7:29 take a trip to the hospitals, get infected and prove us wrong. You are a great example of how out of touch rural citizens can be with the world .

    1. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 9:29 AM

      7:29...That's an ignorant statement! I'm a "Rural" citezen, involved, informed and aware of local, state, national, and international events. Owned 3 very succsesdful business', volunteer, veteran, and could go on, but I dont wanna confuse YOU, whom is apparently a self absorbed, narcissistic "Urban" citezen, that thinks they know what's best for everyone! YOU'RE statement and demeaning assumption that "Rural" folk are ignorant is WAY OUTTA LINE! There are many of US, that Unlike most "City folk" rural citezens seem, as of late to at least have the ABILITY to look at BOTH SIDES of a real issue RATIONALLY, and make SOUND decisions and weigh risks, etc ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Unlike you people that demand everyone "Buy" in and sign up for whatever the Panic of the day is! Your better than thou attitude is pathetic!

    2. This guy owner 3 business, listen to him people.

    3. 10:11...that's it. Wow, that was lame! The fact of my owning business isn't the point...the point is...now follow me, if ya can. The point is it was ignorant to make a "blanket" statement about the ignorance of "rural" citezens. Where a person chooses to live (as I've shown) has NO bearing on their knowledge of events. In no form did I say I'm smarter, or I'm correct. I was just stating FACTS, and yeah, sometimes they hurt.

    4. Yes listen to this person who refers to you as "you people".
      I have been in and out of a major hospital several times during this so called pandamic as a visitor and guess what - I'm fine. Get over your paranoia.

    5. Going in and out and of a hospital doesn’t prove anything about covid contagiousness. Go in and out of a corona ward and then it means something. I walked through a covid ward for 5 minutes and got covid. I survived but it was hell.

  5. For Profit health care system.

    I'll say it again. For Profit health care system.

    Hospitals are set up now for Covid-19 because this isn't going away. In fact, with the big push to reopen you are going to see cases go up. It is highly infectious. From a business stand point it doesn't profit to have other operations going on if the infection spreads to those activities.

    This isn't some conspiracy. It's just profit motivated businesses making profit motivated decisions.

    If Covid-19 WASN'T a concern, a profit motivated business wouldn't stop profit making operations.

    It is really just that simple people.

  6. I've been saying all along that it's a hoax and all you dumb morons are following the Communist New Network and butt plugs like Jake Day who are creating such hysteria. The wannabe statisticians are posting numbers every day on FB as if they are an anchor on a news station.

    Yeah, Bowling, you're a butt plug like Jake Day is.

    1. Hey the name caller guy joined the site already today! Dumb, idiots, morons, he impresses me more each day.

  7. Everyone has an opinion.... This is America. You are entitled to believe what you will. But don’t mess with MY mask.

  8. 8:14. The hospitals are virtually empty.

    1. This is stupid. The hospital I got admitted to was packed.

    2. This is crap. The one I went to for covid treatment was packed. Nurses and doctors cannot write anything they want on discharge pagers. There must be a death certificate for every death. You can’t just make stuff up. Medicare, Medicaid, etc. will catch it because they will have to pay the hospital and will penalize the hospital. Further, I don’t believe the woman speaking was a nurse. Just a paid speaker. Some people will believe anything.

  9. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 9:16 AM

    Oh NOoooo, bet shes gonna have to turn in her "Hero" card!

  10. The government is paying doctors to call it COVID-19 and more money for placing people on intubation devices.

    Wake up folks
    We are being told lies

  11. This is happening all over the country. Hospitals are laying off employees. But I do agree that the poor woman will be fired, because they can't let this information get out to the public. Just like China disappeared their doctor's who dared to speak about the virus.


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