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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Revealed, the reason why obese people may be more at risk of coronavirus: Fat cells make large amounts of a protein used by the deadly infection to infiltrate human cells

The reason why obese people may be more at risk of dying from coronavirus could be because their fat cells make large amounts of a protein used by the infection to infiltrate human cells.

The coronavirus - scientifically called SARS-CoV-2 - latches onto ACE-2 receptors, known as the 'gateway' into cells inside body.

Fat cells express ACE-2 receptors, which experts say may explain why obese people have higher odds of suffering a severe bout of COVID-19.

ACE-2 is also expressed in the fat cells of people with type 2 diabetes - another high-risk health condition driven by obesity.

Some researchers now believe diabetes drugs could be used to fight the infection - and admitted that losing weight may also have a benefit.

The scientists who posed the theory, from Germany and the US, also outlined how fat cells are linked to a lung-scarring condition called pulmonary fibrosis.

With COVID-19 added on top, the lungs would struggle to get enough oxygen to the rest of the body.

The evidence is not concrete but data from hospitalised COVID-19 patients suggests obese people are more likely to die than those who are slim.

Public Health England has launched an investigation into how obesity plays a role in disease severity, as well as ethnicity and gender.



  1. yet another thing that will kill you if you are fat, as if there aren`t already enough things,you would think by now that fat people would loose weight if they value their lives.

  2. Are you really this stupid to believe that when fat cells are depleted from starvation there will be a good result? I'm going to need a process explanation on this one, because it sounds like you are saying cutting out meat until your obesity is cured will be a good thing even after you will be lean and starving from lack of protein, which burns fat.

    My question is, politely, "How stupid are you?"

    Just asking for a friend...

  3. Breaking news...Fat people forecast risk of Corona virus...WOMEN & MONORITIES EFFECTED MOST!

  4. Perfect way to attack America then. We have gotten too roly-poly

  5. I like to watch TCM on cable. Look at the old movies from around the world. People are no fatter today than back in the 40's. Except Stacy Abrams


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