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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Harvard Law Prof: Coronavirus Is an Excuse to Dump Free Speech, Property Rights from Constitution

Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule suggests using the Chinese virus pandemic as an excuse to establish a new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, implementing policies that do away with concepts such as “free speech ideology” and “property rights.”

Adrian Vermeule, a professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School, recently wrote a piece for the Atlantic in which he argues that traditional interpretations of the U.S. constitution have “now outlived its utility,” and that it is now time for the government to take a more centralized role in people’s lives.

Vermeule argues that “circumstances have now changed” due to the Chinese virus pandemic, and that it is now possible to imagine “moral” constitutionalism, which he says is not “enslaved to the original meaning of the Constitution,” and is also “liberated” from the narrative of “relentless expansion of individualistic autonomy.”

The professor is advocating for a new interpretation of the U.S. constitution, which he refers to as “common-good constitutionalism.”

“Such an approach,” wrote Vermeule, “should be based on the principles that government helps direct persons, associations, and society generally toward the common good, and that strong rule in the interest of attaining the common good is entirely legitimate.”

Vermeule also scrutinizes “the libertarian assumptions central to free-speech law and free-speech ideology,” which he says is “forbidden to judge the quality and moral worth of public speech,” and therefore, should “fall under the ax.”



  1. Also dumping Religion, and the right to address grievances and assembly.

  2. Well his position flies in the face of the document itself. The US Constitution is a statement of limits upon GOVERNMENT.


  3. “Such an approach,” wrote Vermeule, “should be based on the principles that government helps direct persons, associations, and society generally toward the common good, and that strong rule in the interest of attaining the common good is entirely legitimate.”

    Then why doesn't he just move to China?

    This guy is clearly educated beyond his intellect.

  4. And people pay HOW much to send their kids there?????

  5. since governors can obviously completely abolish the constitution, why would politicians need a reason to dump rights from the constitution?

  6. Bulldozer is what that clown school needs

  7. Transgender Nurses @ Salisbury UniversityMay 6, 2020 at 11:22 PM

    Omg, you people are so mean

    dont you care people are dying in the thousands daily ?

  8. Over my F$#king DEAD BODY! Why are parents allowing this to be pushed on their kids, and WHY is our government
    funding these universities? This WILL NOT be tolerated by SANE Americans!

  9. What a swaggering, overbearing little tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood! By not going to college, I not only dodged a bullet, I dodged an anti-matter bomb.

  10. Now would be a good time to do away with TENURE. This time has shown that professors are not needed.

  11. He says things like "distributing resources" "authority of the state" property rights are "selfish" and rulers should get a broad scope. This Sounds like Communism/socialism to me, perhaps the good professor didn't study that? Maybe he thinks that we are all too stupid to realize what he is peddling. Can't piss on my head and tell me its rain. These people are preying on our naive kids. They teach a version of civics today that is watered-down democracy and that the founding fathers were "shady". This is how they break down the idea of the Constitution. When they get to college they try to diminish it farther with this fatal blow of garbage communist/socialist idealism. When the kids come out in debt with NO skills and NO jobs they are disillusioned and want everything free. Colleges are reaping big dollars from Federal student loan money backed by our government, This is why no on wants to deal with the issue. It's a money making political cash-cow for the democrats.

    You are right 3:50, college is a joke !

  12. Self-serving jerk, to be kind and understated. He owes his ability to feed his face to the existence of our Constitution, as written. He owes his life as a critic to the provisions that restrain the government's actions in suppressing unpopular speech or thoughts.

    A credentialed idiot.

  13. I was a locally born scholarship student at Hopkins in the 70's. Got there and figured out my primary education was that of no doctor and wound up with an Anthropology degree. Luckily in those days the CIA and NSA recruited on campus and joining the NSA and working at Fort Mead was the beginning of my real education introduction to computer science and the internet when it was still a military network. What was most enlightening and I can only say this is the reality of intelligence and foreign and domestic affairs is nothing you will hear in the news or find in the library or even now on the Internet. The tiny crumbs of information that people do find and spin into these grand imaginative paranoid conspiracies are no where near the actuality of the created truths. The perpetrators and participants themselves hardly have a grip on it. Power and greed is a strange and corruptive elixir. The best at it seem like very sincere genuine good humble likable people and in their minds they think they are and are perhaps not even conscious of what they have succumb to. Now I see it more and more in the public sector. Even small business people.


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