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Saturday, May 09, 2020

REVEALED: 20 members of Facebook's $130M 'independent supreme court'

Facebook faces a storm over the make-up of its new 'politically neutral' supreme court after it was swamped with left-wing luminaries from across the globe, including an anti-Trump campaigner who poked fun at his teenage son.

Critics have accused Mark Zuckerberg of 'blowing' his chance of setting up a 'meaningful' and 'politically balanced' oversight committee for the social media giant because so few of its 20 members have conservative credentials.

The board will rule on whether some individual pieces of content should be displayed on the site. It can also recommend changes to Facebook's content policy, based on a case decision or at the company's request.

But critics were quick to point out that many of the panel are left-wingers.

Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission Brendan Carr said: 'Meet your new speech police! Facebook now has an Oversight Board empowered to take down posts. Gotta be non-partisan people, right? Nope!'

Republican Senator Josh Hawley wrote: 'This is how powerful @Facebook is, how much speech it controls, how much of our time & attention it claims: it now has a special censorship committee to decide what speech can stay & what should go.

'Facebook basically making the case it should be broken up.'

Right wing radio host Mark R. Levin tweeted: 'Facebook censorship set in place with anti-Trump progressives, 6-months before the general election.'



  1. Facebook? What's that?

    1. 7:24- You know Damn well what Facebook is. Stupid comment.

  2. No Facebook, no problem .... looks too much like work

  3. Make it so banning content has to be unanimous

  4. What is the alternative to Facebook?

    1. Less stress

    2. @9:07- Outdoors.

    3. High Desert DawgMay 9, 2020 at 4:08 PM

      9:07...What is the alternative to fb??...Uhhh, how about REALITY! How about hanging out with REAL friends, how about volunteering, how about learning something new, are ya following me so far? Lifes all around us, man! Live it! We'll have all the time in the world to be useless when we're dead! People waste HOURS everyday on fb. Hours they could spend with friends, family, etc....Good grief Charlie Brown!

  5. What a business model. Create a platform and have everyone produce your product content willingly for free. Twain's white washing the fence comes to mind or the Tower of Babel built by slaves.

  6. Remember when there was nothing better to do than re-read the Encyclopedia Britannica and comb through all your saved National Geographics ? We had maps and globes in our homes then too lol pencil sharpeners typewriters index cards recipe boxes stationary. When you stop and think about it many of us went to school and were also home schooled .

  7. 11:35

    Yes, I know Damn well what facebook is, but I have never ever been on facebook and I feel the people that post their evry daily activity on facebook are just plain idiots.

    I don't use facebook, I don't have any need or desire to ever use facebook and this world would be a better place if facebook didn't exist.


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