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Friday, May 08, 2020

Comey sounds off after move to drop Flynn case: 'DOJ has lost its way'

Former FBI Director James Comey lamented that the “DOJ has lost its way” as he expressed disappointment over the news that the Justice Department moved Thursday to drop the case against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“The DOJ has lost its way,” Comey tweeted just after the Justice Department filed the motion. “But, career people: please stay because America needs you.”

Comey, who led the FBI at the time the bureau began investigating Flynn, said: “The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.”



  1. Translation of St. James Comey's post:

    'Democrat careerist moles. Quislings and fifth column, hang in there and keep fighting a rearguard action to undermine the administration and keep my slimy butt out of the slammer.'

    He's a piece of work!

  2. Huge piece of $hit !

  3. Comey if there is justice , should be hung for treason and this goes all the way back to the kenyan who was not born in this country yet through the hierarchy and debauchery of the demoncrats along with his puppet masters Soros , red china & the NWO.

  4. I can't wait for the authorities to wipe that shitty grin off his face. He is a disgrace to America. Anyone else would be in jail.

  5. Comey needs to be in jail!

  6. I would say it's more like they're starting to find their way.

  7. When is his trail?? Get on with it ready. He is a documented liar

  8. The DOJ has lost Comey's way is more accurate.

  9. What a sanctimonious pos.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: At the very least, he destroyed the reputation of hard working and dedicated Special Agents down at the street level who risk their lives every day and accomplish significant counterintelligence, counterterrorism and counter-crime victories that you will never hear of. Unfortunately, as with intelligence gathering success, these victories are never made public to protect the sources. It is always the back stabbing, promotion seeking bureaucrats that cause the problems. When you plant a biased political hack in a position such as the Director of the FBI, they then, in turn, appoint or promote persons of like political bias to positions of authority. Those subordinates linger on in any agency long after the changes in administration. We still have holdovers from the Clinton administration and certainly from the administration of the fraudulent Obozo presidency.

  11. So the FBI mastermind behind a coup attempt against a duly elected President of the United States of America thinks the DOJ has lost it's way. Comey is a deranged sociopath.


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