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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Rep. Michael McCaul to Newsmax TV: China Created 'Worst Cover-Up in Human History'

“It’s very clear that the Chinese Communist Party was engaged in what I call the worst cover-up in human history,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, leading Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told "The Chris Salcedo Show" on Newsmax TV.

McCaul blasted both the Democrats and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), for their roles in failing to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“The saddest thing about this is that it could have been contained. It could have been stopped, but because of the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to cover up and the WHO being complicit, we now have a global pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed economies.”

Many of the allegations bubbling up in recent weeks center on a high-level virology lab in Wuhan, China, the city where the pandemic began. The Trump administration has said there's strong evidence that the coronavirus, associated with bats, began not in a wet market in China but in that lab, with theories suggesting it accidentally made its way into the surrounding area, outside the lab.

For its part, China has denied any such escape or cover-up. WHO has said it has not yet seen the administration's evidence for such a claim.

McCaul termed Ghbreyesus a “Chinese puppet” and castigated him for failing to warn the world about coronavirus earlier.

”We have to also look at the slow systematic and deceptive takeover by China of the UN and the WHO. This Tedros guy is a puppet of China. We need to put our own people in these positions and defeat the Chinese candidates.



  1. This story is a good cover in case the US Military released the bioweapon. We can and will never know for sure of course. Both governments are evil and have long histories of lying to the population.

  2. This story is a good cover in case the US Military released the bioweapon. We can and will never know for sure of course. Both governments are evil and have long histories of lying to the population.


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