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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Ex-NY Times reporter blasts governors over 'infuriating' lockdowns: 'They are fools and haven't read the data'

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, the most prominent critic of the models informing lawmakers' response to the coronavirus crisis, told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday that local leaders should allow Americans to get back to work while protecting the most vulnerable populations.

"I'm getting sick of people saying, 'We don't know much about this virus, we don't know enough to know what the right steps are,'" Berenson said. "If that's true, why have we shut down the world?

"We do know a lot about this virus and we know the average age of death in the United States and worldwide is probably about 80 or 82 and we know about half, if not more, of the people who die in the United States die in nursing homes," Berenson said. "We know enough to know we should protect those people ... and instead, our leaders are spending time haranguing us about masks and destroying the economy with lockdowns and every day it makes less sense and every day it's more infuriating."

Berenson, who primarily covered the pharmaceutical industry during his time with the paper, told Carlson that he has been "waiting for the reality and the data to start to hit people." He specifically criticized leaders in Oregon, New York, and Illinois for imposing "unrealistic benchmarks" in lifting their respective lockdowns.



  1. Kept telling you morons this is fake and the governor orders are illegal and unlawful... Maybe one day you will listen but I won't hold my breathe, we are talking about the same people who are so stupid they need someone to tell them when to breathe...

  2. Berenson is correct. FL is the perfect example. Governor Ron DeSantis gets the award for the best handling of this epidemic. He didn't try to show off and be dramatic and call for a "shelter in place" or a "stay at home order"

    He didn't scream FL hospitals are going to be overwhelmed or inundated with positive Covid 19 patients like the low information nitwits are doing now in Ocean City with the mayor allowing beach and boardwalk access when people from up north particularly from NY flocked to FL by the 1000's when NY and surrounding states shut down The people coming from NY even though NY is considered didn't raise the numbers significantly if at all. FL's cases were and are pretty much centered in the immigrant community.

    Governor DeSantis acted with intelligence something that has been rare with this pandemic. One action he took was to focus on nursing homes and other long term care facilities. This action resulted in FL having one of the lowest elderly Covid 19 patients dying and even getting ill. He also used the time that people were voluntarily working from home and staying home to make major repairs to infrastructure.

  3. This was 50/50 and you know what...we ALL lost in the end.

    Not an I told you so either because that throws salt on the wound...which none of need or can afford going forward. Us versus them got us in this mess and if we haven't learned anything....well the world leader sure we hell won't be us.

  4. High Desert DawgMay 6, 2020 at 6:51 PM

    We're ALL gonna die...Women & minorities effected most!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Kept telling you morons this is fake and the governor orders are illegal and unlawful... Maybe one day you will listen but I won't hold my breathe, we are talking about the same people who are so stupid they need someone to tell them when to breathe...

    May 6, 2020 at 2:43 PM

    Gee, I wonder why no one would listen to you. You are so polite and have such a warm, welcoming persona.


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