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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

House GOP Opens Probe Into Chinese Communist Party Using Money to Infiltrate US Colleges

Multiple House Republican ranking members have signed onto a letter addressed to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to ask for their "preliminary findings or reports" from their investigations into American higher education institutions taking foreign money, specifically from China.

The letter, which was obtained by Townhall, is part of Congressional Republican’s investigation into the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda and cover-up efforts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Signers include Reps. Jim Jordan (OH), Devin Nunes (CA), Virginia Foxx (NC), Mike Rogers (AL), and Marc Thornberry (TX).

Citing consistent Chinese efforts to steal "confidential information and technology from U.S. companies, and even the U.S. government" through their investments in American colleges, the members wrote how "China is restricting any research regarding the origins of COVID-19 that does not comport with CCP propaganda. They added their concern about the Chinese government using "strategic investments to turn American college campuses into indoctrination platforms for American students" through their "110 'Confucius Institutes' on college campuses as well as over 500 'Confucius Classrooms.'"

"These actions all bring into question whether U.S. IHEs receiving federal taxpayer dollars should be allowed to accept funds from China, the CCP, or other affiliated organizations. The interests of the two nations appear to have diverged," they wrote.

The Department of Education has open multiple investigations into colleges who may have improperly reported or failed to report altogether foreign gifts of $250,000 or more, in violation of Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965:


1 comment:

  1. They will cover it up. This is just a smoke screen.


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