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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Did Feds Commit Felony By Altering 302s In The Michael Flynn Case?

The U.S. Code makes it a felony offense, punishable by up to 20 years in prison, to knowingly alter or falsify an entry in a document with the intent to influence a federal investigation. This is comparatively a more serious offense than the false statement charge that Michael Flynn pled to, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

Newly revealed text messages between federal agents Paige and Strzok discussing the Michael Flynn case, dating February 10, 2017, show the cheaters discussing rewriting a 302 written by another agent, trying to disguise their edits as the author's own voice.

According to insinuations made by Flynn's lawyers in hearings and court filings, statements made by Sidney Powell to the media, and pursuant to a review of the publicly available materials related to this case, the documents that the federal agents were discussing altering were almost certainly 302 reports. "An objective view of SSA 1's purported handwritten notes with the FD-302 of the January 24, 2017 interview of Mr. Flynn that Lisa Page instructed Agent Strzok to edit on February 10, 2017, reveals equally troubling 'inaccuracies,' 'omissions,' and 'unsupported statements,'" wrote Flynn's lawyers in their Motion to Dismiss for Egregious Government Misconduct. "Overnight February 10-11, 2017, Strzok makes multiple changes to the FBI 302 of that interview—changes that are objectively material to the defense," Flynn's lawyers later explained in a supplemental filing.



  1. High Desert DawgMay 6, 2020 at 1:57 AM

    Its VERY possible, among many unethical procedures they've done, but unfortunatly I feel we should all be prepared for NOTHING more than a reprimand, centure etc. In case ya haven't noticed, even the officials on the right arent saying "prosecution". They're all banging their chests, saying "they'll be accountibility, etc, but I wouldnt hold my breath. Just like Sen Graham's been saying for years "We're gonna make (the impeachment hoax, Russia collusion hoax, voter fraud, etc etc) them accountable, buuut, STILL AIN'T SEEN NO ACTION, but that quick news clip sure makes them sound good. We better not hold our breath waiting for our side to do much more than blow hot air. Very unfortunate!

    1. “We” should be prepared?

      It is none of the People’s business. The US Government for which Mr Flynn worked is not answerable to the People. It is none of our business.

      Ditto for the endless wars
      None of our business

      Ditto for the release of a bioweapon
      None of our business

      Ditto for rigging LIBOR, COMEX, and FOREX
      None of our business

    2. It is "our" business. This is "our" country they are destroying. Millions of hard working citizens have built this great country and paid taxes will doing it. "Our" tax money is paying those corrupt assholes salary. Enough is enough, we should demand long federal prison terms for all evolved. 7:33 go back to your closet and STFU you spineless jellyfish.

    3. Ahh 9:14
      Don’t be so negative.

      7:33 is correct. It is not our business. Me and You don’t own this place. We are subjects. They have guns. You don’t have enough guns and the ones you have aren’t big enough.

      Accept your servitude to the international bankers who own the government.

      Be happier

  2. Poetic Justice if the crooked, arrogant Strzok gets his "just rewards" for the next 20 years.

  3. Felony? I call it TREASON.

  4. I fear the only thing that will straighten this country out is a total economic collapse if President Trumps best efforts to save this republic fail followed by a new American civil war. Then there will be no money for all of these parasites and stupid gov programs. The Clinton,to some extent the Bush( globalism) and especially the Obama cartel has destroyed our educational, judicial, corporate and federal alphabet soup agencies culture with the help of the media to one that would be unrecognizable even 40 years ago. God help us and President Trump !

  5. These scum will all go free and make $$$$$$$ in book deals and be fake news contributors.

    Bondo Barr is a bigger peace of shit than Elf Sessions.

  6. No dems go to jail follow the money soros.

  7. Just don't understand the feckless GOP on these matters. Like having a guard dog whose bark has long since been threatening and no teeth. I understand taking the high road but these perpetrators will never stop until justice is served. UNLESS, there are skeletons in the closet.

  8. 733 thanks for that. Totally "git" it.


  9. Just imagine what they would charge us (just average citizens) with if we tampered with evidence during an investigation.

  10. I think Trump should make Flynn the Law Enforcement Czar to oversee the cleanup of the deep state.


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