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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gretchen Whitmer in talks to become Joe Biden's VP pick

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has confirmed she is in talks with Joe Biden’s campaign to become his running mate, as the race to join his ticket reachesan unseen fever pitch.

“I’ve had a conversation with some folks,” Whitmer said in a Tuesday morning interview on the “Today” show.

“It was just an opening conversation and it’s not something that I would call a professional formalized vetting,” she added.

A rising star in the Democratic Party who has garnered national headlines through her handling of the Wolverine State’s COVID-19 outbreak, Whitmer is considered one of several women on the shortlist to join Biden’s ticket.

The 48-year-old governor joins Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who, according to a Senate colleague, was selected for an interview with the Biden camp over the role.



  1. Virus does NOT SPREAD EASILY by touching surfaces or objects. All you dummies with the rubber gloves hahaha

    1. Sooo, you read the CDC update yesterday and suddenly the "smart" one and the rest are dummies? Yep, think I understand now. Grow up and stop being so blatant with your numbscullery; it doesn't command the respect you might think.

  2. She ran her campaign on being a victim of sexual assault in college and all women must be believed with our question. She is a survivor... White men in powerful positions get away with it... believebiden.

  3. Two clowns running like McCain and Palin.

  4. Well they REALLY want a Civil war don't they?

  5. So the ticket will be names. Demented and the Deranged.

  6. Wellll....this would get her out of Michigan. Then she will fall off the radar after Nov.

    1. It will also put Michigan in Trump’s win column. TRUMP 2020

  7. As if Biden wasn’t bad enough as a candidate, he painted himself into a corner with his guarantee of a woman VP pick. Right now, any of the possible pics are going to be more damaging to his electability, because they’d be next in line if he’s unfit to serve at any point. Let him pick Whitmer. You can chalk TSUN (coming from and Ohio State Fan) to trump right now if that’s the case.

  8. 9:27 - much worse than McCain - Palin... These two want to destroy our country from within!

  9. ....and Trump takes Michigan!

  10. that should make for good tv in the fall

  11. " Anonymous said...
    She ran her campaign on being a victim of sexual assault in college and all women must be believed with our question. She is a survivor... White men in powerful positions get away with it... believebiden.

    May 21, 2020 at 9:19 AM"

    She is such a liar. She can say what she wants but she was no more sexually assaulted in college then my dog was. He never went to college though he is 99 percent more intelligent then those who did. It makes for a good story to advance her politically and even if something did happen you can bet it was consensual because there isn't a man alive who would ever sexually assault her.

  12. LOL I hope he does. That other lying fat dumpy one with the constant bad hair day is going to be PO'ed if he picks witman a white woman. It will start a war. The black woman I can't remember her name.

  13. She has a couple of dams she's in the process of selling us.

  14. He has visions of swimming with her.

  15. Poor old Joe doesn't have any say in who will be his running mate. None whatsoever. She will be chosen by the DNC. Joe will have to take who he gets. If "he" wins, she will be the president, not him.

  16. Dumb and Dumber.

  17. Obviously she hates fellow Americans and what America stands for.


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