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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dems use COVID-19 pandemic to push health care takeover agenda

In just a matter of months, the novel coronavirus has infected more than 4 million people worldwide, including at least 1.4 million in the United States. When it began spreading here, the primary concern was whether the disease would test the limits of our health care system, or possibly overwhelm it.

Indeed, the initial response of ordering people to shelter at home and self-quarantine was less about eradicating the virus and more about slowing its spread to limit the strain on hospitals and medical providers.

While the near-constant news coverage of the coronavirus has focused on fighting the disease itself, it has evolved into a broader discussion of our health care system overall, with Americans worried about what the pandemic means for the future — particularly if the economy doesn’t recover as quickly as we hope.

Against this backdrop, the mainstream media have predictably given a platform for the left to push its political and health care agendas, particularly a government takeover of the health care system.

Before the last couple of elections, the leaders of the Democrat Party generally supported our current system of private, largely employer-based health care. The shift to universal government health care, aka “Medicare for All,” was on the fringe of the left — until the last presidential election. This radical shift is now the bare minimum for all Democrats running for office.


  1. Socialism at it's best

    1. You're right they're monsters for wanting people to have healthcare and not pay hundreds of dollars for insulin.

    2. Bet you don't decry medicare as socialism when you go to the doctors. Convenient pick and choose from the right wing as usual. Just like they pick which parts of the bible you wish to follow


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